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Custom Lookup Options

161 bytes added, 15:22, 5 July 2021
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# Import ''FacultyLookup.csv'' with the "University ID" as the '''Lookup Key''' and the "Faculty ID" as the '''Primary Key'''. Set '''Lookup Name''' to "FacultyLookup".
# Create a custom field of type '''Select One - Dropdown List''' and give it the caption "Faculty".
# Set the Parent Field to previously created "University" dropdown custom field.
# Toggle on '''Enable Dynamic Content''' and '''Use Custom Lookup Options'''.
# Under '''Lookup Name''', select "FacultyLookup". Under '''Option Text Identifier''', type the name of the lookup column you want to surface. For our example, we type "Faculty".
# Import ''UniversityCourseLookup.csv'' with the "Faculty ID" as the '''Lookup Key''' and the "Course ID" as the '''Primary Key'''. Set '''Lookup Name''' to "UniversityCourseLookup".
# Create a custom field of type '''Select One - Dropdown List''' and give it the caption "Course".
# Set the Parent Field to previously created "Faculty" dropdown custom field.
# Toggle on '''Enable Dynamic Content''' and '''Use Custom Lookup Options'''.
# Under '''Lookup Name''', select "UniversityCourseLookup". Under '''Option Text Identifier''', type the name of the lookup column you want to surface. For our example, we type "Course".

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