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737 bytes added, 14:55, 4 September 2020
How to modify the New User Email Template
==How to modify the New User Email Template==
If you are giving new users the ability to login in via the '''Access Type''' settingset to '''User Access''', they will receive an email based off the '''a new user email template'''either on the signup page or global. You can see the email template used to construct the email sent to  By default, all new users by going to will receive the email template found '''Menu Icon''' Icon > '''Global Settings''' > '''Security Tab''' Tab > '''Password and Activation Policies''' > '''Activation Email TemplatesEmails''' tabin the left navigation. Once you add the sample template you can modify it as needed. You The sample template will notice a number of variables in send the new registrant a link where they can enter their desired password to complete user activation. The variable for this is '''https://@url@@activationlink@'''. It is also possible to email users their username and password by using '''@email template which will be converted into A URL, Email @''' and activation link when the '''@password@''' if desired.  If you want a custom new user email is sent to all users who register through this signup page instead of using the global one, then go to the user'''Templates''' tab and add the sample template and fill in the other fields. The '''New User Email Template''' on the signup page takes precedence over the '''New User''' general template found under '''Global Settings'''. Typically we recommend that you leave the '''Template''' tab '''New User Email Template''' empty so the global template will be used.
==How to setup Privacy Policies==
Smartstaff, administrator

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