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Login Page

771 bytes added, 19:28, 9 August 2019
Creating a New Login Page
:: [[File:New login page button.png|180px|border]]
==Switching languages==
Administrators need to create a separate login page for each language you want to support. You choose the desired language for a login page when you create a new login page.
If you have more than one language login page the user will see a drop down in the top right of the screen. The user can choose their desired language from this list.
Administrators can choose which language login page is the default via a toggle on the settings page for the desired log in page.
You can also send your users a direct link to a specific language login page. For example if I wanted to send users to a configured Spanish language login page I would adding ?&lang=14 to the login page URL like this
=Settings Explained=
Smartstaff, administrator

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