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Creating SmartConnect Functions

368 bytes added, 19:35, 27 August 2018
02.1 List Method Sample 1: Retrieve a list of contacts
====02.1 List Method Sample 1: Retrieve a list of contacts====
Function will retrieve a list of contacts based on criteria specified.
'''Function Name'''  -  3.02.1 List Method Sample 1: Retrieve a list of Contacts<br />
'''Action Type '''  -  List<br />
'''Field List'''  -  sf_User ID;;sf_First Name;;sf_Address;;sf_Address 2;;sf_City;;sf_Country;;sf_State / Province;;sf_Zip / Postal Code;;<br />
'''To retrieve a list of contacts where the first name begins with "J" and sorted by first name in ascending order''' 
--Begin custom parameter --
criteria : [{"andor":"or","field":"sf_First Name","operator":"like","value":"J%"}]
sortby : [{"field":"sf_First Name","direction":"asc"}]
getstorevalue :
--End custom parameter--
====02.2 List Method Sample 2: Retrieve a list of organizations====

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