
Custom Field Type: Special - Advanced Data Table

3 bytes added, 19:59, 8 December 2016
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Clicking on a cell inside the section builder will present you with the cell properties. There are two cell properties used for the validation of cells when the xml worksheet is saved.
  * '''Validation Script''': Validates the input field.  * '''Validation Message''': Content that is displayed, when the validation script is not true (e.g. Value must be greater than 100).
 * Total Amount greater than 0, for currency formatted column totals
Message: Total must be greater than $0.00
* Date is at least 30 days in the future
<pre>datediff(ConvertDateStr([this],'@dateformat@'),'@date(currentdate)@','d') > 30</pre>
Message: Please select a date that is at least thirty 30 days from today.
Smartstaff, administrator