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Configuring Interactive List View Charts

7 bytes added, 13:58, 3 August 2016
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9) Select the Chart Type you wish to ususe. The current options include . . . :
* Bar
* Horizontal Bar
'''NOTE:''' If the Aggregation Type is Sum or Average then the Y-Axis has to must be a numeric value.
11) Select the Aggregation type from the available options ...
* '''Sum''': provide a sum of all values in the column selected as the Y-Axis for each grouping defined in the column selected in the X-Axis* '''Average''': provide an average of all values in the column selected as the Y-Axis for each grouping defined in the column selected in the X-Axis* '''Count''': provide an overall count of records for each grouping defined in the column selected in the X-Axis
12) Select the Default View type. This is how the information will be displayed when the user logins logs in and accesses the information. The available options are ...:
*'''Chart''': will display the chart when user logs in
Smartstaff, administrator

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