

2 bytes added, 21:25, 6 January 2023
January 12th 2023 (202211.04)
===January 12th 2023 (202211.04)===
* Fixed an issue where reports that were not set to be publicly accessible were able to open web page views externally. After this release if you want a web page view to be publicly available via a report you must set the report to be internet enabled and then go to the web page view custom field and allow public access.
<!-- 144055 - Searching on Bing returns results that should not be publicly accessible -->
* Fixed an issue with displaying the '''Lookup - Autocomplete Options''' field in a list view where only the first of multiple selected options were visible.
<!-- 142666 - Bug on Charts? Showing dropdown 'code/number' instead of 'option text' -->
* Updated autoloader behavior where when new users and organizations are created via the autoloader, no country will be set if no default country is specified. Previously new users or organizations would be given the country value of Canada if no default value was set.
<!-- 143525 - Users created with wrong country -->
* Fixed an issue where reports that were not set to be publicly accessible were able to open web page views externally. After this release if you want a web page view to be publicly available via a report you must set the report to be internet enabled and then go to the web page view custom field and allow public access.
<!-- 144055 - Searching on Bing returns results that should not be publicly accessible -->
====Other Changes====
* Updated autoloader behavior where when new users and organizations are created via the autoloader, no country will be set if no default country is specified. Previously new users or organizations would be given the country value of Canada if no default value was set.
<!-- 143525 - Users created with wrong country -->
* Added a new option to set which fields should be refreshed upon changes to a record in a linked record list. To see this new setting, edit a '''Special - Linked Record List''' custom field and the setting is called '''Refresh On Update'''.
<!-- 130352 - L1 form doesn't refresh when changes are made to a L2 in a modal window -->