
Arcadia Settings

7 bytes removed, 14:05, 15 July 2019
Accessing Arcadia Settings
||Determine which [[User Role|user roles]] will have the ability to see summaries (for example, of {{L1}} grants in a grant-based [[UTA]] or of {{L2}}/{{L3}} activities associated with that UTA); determine which users will have [[KPI]] functionality, [[Reports]] as a tab view, and the [[Advanced Search]] feature within the UTA.
||'''[[KPI]] ''''''Settings Settings'''
||Determine how the [[KPI]]s for that UTA will be displayed, and create new KPIs if applicable. 
:: [[File:Arcadia settings list view options 2019.png|thumb|none|655px|Settings available for Summary and List View Options.]] 
* A number of additional options can be configured and exposed to the end-user based on role: