
Accessing the HCAI Settings Page

101 bytes added, 19:46, 21 October 2011
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** '''Customfield Name for HCAI submission Status (Invoice or generic level 2 field)''' - saves HCAI submission status (example: "Successfully Submitted to HCAI") to specified custom field
** '''Customfield Name for HCAI document number (Invoice or generic level 2 field)''' - saves document ID (example: "11062309999") to specified custom field
'''The above three custom fields can be created either as invoice custom fields or on the level 2'''
** '''HCAI Response Acknowledgement Email ( @response@ )''' - entering @response@ into this field will automatically send an email to the individual who submitted the form to HCAI that contains the HCAI Submission Status.
* '''OCF Form Settings''' – this section is used to configure the '''Auto Insurance Claims Forms''' ('''OCF Forms''') supported by [[SmartSimple]]. The forms available in this section may change from time to time as new forms are added to the system.