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302 bytes added, 17:17, 19 June 2023
Password Variables to be Deprecated in November
Depending on how your user signup pages are configured, you may also need to update signup page templates for new users which can be found at '''Menu Icon''' > '''Global Settings''' > '''Communications''' >''' System Email Templates'''. You can filter the list by searching for “Signup”.
<!-- 149983 - Restricted Password Variables and Enforce the use of activation link variables for improved security -->
[[File:2023-07-ticket-149983.png|thumb|none|800px|Clicking the Sample Template on the New User email will provide you will the variable that will return a link to a page where users can enter their desired password. The @password@ and other variables will no longer work after the November release.]]
====Updated Look of File Uploader====
Smartstaff, administrator

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