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29 bytes added, 20:54, 17 May 2023
Determining how many questions to ask, when to ask them, who has access to that data, and for how long
==Determining how many questions to ask, when to ask them, who has access to that data, and for how long==
Now that we have determined the organization and layout of the questions we want to consider how many questions to add and if we want everyone to see every question and when they should be answered.
'''How many questions are too many?'''
The more questions you ask, the less likely the form is to be completed. The right amount of questions depends on your community and your needs. Be mindful that a lot of questions create a barrier of entry, especially for the most vulnerable applicants who may not be able to hire a grant writer. How many questions can also depend on the amount of funding and your relationship with the applicant. You might be able to use a much shorter trust-based application for applicants requesting a small amount of money or for applicants who have received monies in the past and met their reporting requirements. Also consider if each question needs to be mandatory and if you already have the answer because you asked that question last year or as part of the signup process. If a question could be optional, do you still need to ask it?
'''When should a question be shown?'''
 Consider that you don’t need to ask every question all at once. You could start with an eligibility questionnaire to see if the user meets the criteria for the program. Then ask some questions at the start of the process. Then through progressive disclosure ask them more questions as they move through your process. You may want to apply some conditional logic around some questions or use Dynamic Field Visibility Controls as well since not all questions might be needed for all circumstances.
'''Who can access the data and for how long?'''
Smartstaff, administrator

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