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78 bytes added, 18:09, 27 June 2022
Global System Upgrades
==Global System Upgrades==
The new features listed below are enhancements to the SmartSimple system and will be immediately available to SmartSimple users upon the application of the upgrade to their server:
===Major Updates===
====Added Ability to Make Tab Bar Visible to All Users Based on Role Permissions====
Visibility of the Tab Bar will no longer be controlled by both a personal setting and a role-based setting. If a role has permission to see the Tab Bar, users with that role will see the Tab Bar. Previously users with role permission to see the Tab Bar also had to enable the Tab Bar under the user menu before they would see the Tab Bar. To enable tab bar, go to Global Settings > Security tab > System Feature Permissions > Features tab > Enable Tab Bar.
<!--132112 - Add ability to default on the Tab bar for new users-->
====Accessibility Mode No Longer Optional====
The option to opt out of accessibility mode has been deprecated. Interface elements in all systems will be keyboard accessible to ensure compliance with accessibility standards.
<!--128832 - Enable Accessibility mode for everyone-->
===Minor Updates===
====Added Ability to Retain Page Location on Save====
Currently when a user saves, the page reloads and the user is brought back to the top of the page. After the upgrade, if a user saves a record page such as Level 1, 2, 3, Organization, User or Template page, then after the page reloads, the system will automatically scroll the page to approximately the user's last location on the page.
<!--122309 - Save Draft Behavior-->
====Added Ability to Add Attachments from Configuration Folders in Email Templates====
Global Administrators editing email templates can now add default attachment files from a configuration folder. To see this new feature, go to Menu Icon > Email > Templates tab > Edit or create a template > Default Attachments (Configuration Folder).
<!-- 124007 - Select Default Attachment for Email Template from Config Folder-->
====Added Ability to Generate PDFs from Workflow Tasks Using a Specific Role====
Added the ability for workflow tasks to generate PDFs as a specific role. For example, you could generate a PDF using the external applicant role and the fields included in the PDF would be only the fields users with that role have permission to see. To see this new setting, go to Menu Icon > Workflows > Tasks tab > Edit a task of type Generate PDF File or Generate PDF File Asynchronously > The new setting is called Generate PDF File for.
<!-- 128740 - Ability to select which role to generate the pdf as--> 
====Added Ability to Copy Signup Pages====
Added the ability to make copies of Organization and User signup pages. To make a copy of a signup page click the Save As button. In addition, signup pages will also have a new field called Signup Page Name to help distinguish between signup pages.
<!-- 129584 - Add ability to copy a signup page-->
====Updated Workflow Generated PDFs for Top-Aligned Captions to Stay with Content====
Updated system generated PDFs so that any top-aligned caption and their corresponding content is enclosed in the same table row. This will help keep questions and answer copy together in PDFs.
<!-- 124566 - In system generated PDFs, can captions stay with content--> 
====Added Ability to Create Copy Profiles====
To see this new feature that allows you to set up predefined profiles for copying records, go to UTA Settings > Level 1/2/3 tab > Copy Profiles. Additionally, you can also set up the ability to copy a Level 1/2/3 object through a workflow on a status change by using a new Task Type of Trigger Copy Profile.
<!-- 120929 - Improved Copy of Level 1s/2s (Phase II)-->
====Added New Hierarchy Permissions to the User and Organization Security Matrix====
Added a new hierarchy permission of Users Under Associated Organizations to the user security matrix and Associated Organizations to the organization security matrix.
<!-- 126369 - Request for user-organization-association roles on security matrix-->
==On-Demand System Upgrades==

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