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16 bytes added, 20:39, 21 August 2020
Table Syntax
Also do not use '''open''' as a button label especially if there are multiple buttons on a page. if you are opening or editing something say what you are opening. That way your screen reader users will know what each button will do.
===Table Syntaxand adding HTML===
If you are entering HTML into your system and adding a table for display purposes, consider indicating it with '''role=presentation'''. Tables headers should use '''TH''' and table data should use '''TD'''. You may also wish to consider adding scope (col, colgroup, row, rowgroup) to headers. Ensuring you are using proper semantic structures will ensure your content is machine readable by assistive technologies. Secondly make sure you open and close your tags properly. If you open a TR, TH, TD or DIV make sure you have a closing TR, TH, TD or DIV. Just because it looks right in your browser does not mean it will be machine readable by assistive technology.
Smartstaff, administrator

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