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Login Page

192 bytes removed, 20:05, 8 July 2019
Login Screen Content - General
||'''Is Default Login Page'''
||By default when a user goes to your system's URL, example they will be directed to the '''English US''' language login page. If you want users to go to a different language login page by default, toggle this setting on for the desired languages login page. Note: only one login page can be set as the default.
||'''Page Title'''
||This text is used as the text that appears in the HTML title bar at element on the top of your browserpage. By default, this It will appear as the alias name of your instance. You can change the text here. To modify other details as well, such as the logo that will appear as display in a browsers title bar or a heading for the login page, please see the [[Branding]] pagepage’s tab.
||'''Content Title'''
Smartstaff, administrator

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