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2 bytes removed, 14:43, 8 May 2019
Display tab
====Display tab====
* '''Width''': Used to control the width of a section. Generally, avoid using this setting as single column is preferred for usability and accessibility reasons. Keep in mind if you set a width it may look good on your screen but it will look poor for users with a different screens sizescreen sizes. We recommend you leave this setting empty so the section will render full screen. If you must add a width then use percentage so it will scale.
* '''Height''': Used to control the height of a section. Generally, avoid using this setting as well. Different users will have different screen resolutions so what looks good for you won’t necessarily look good for them. By default, the height of a section will be large enough to hold whatever content is inside. If you use this setting your content may cut off and you may get a scroll bar inside your section. If you must use this setting then enter a pixel value but generally leave it empty.
* '''Shadow and Margin options''': Turn off the shadow and margin.
Smartstaff, administrator

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