
Creating SmartConnect Functions

6 bytes added, 19:02, 17 September 2018
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'''Object Type'''  -  Case Management 360° - Case<br />
'''Action Type '''  -  Get Meta<br />
'''Field List'''  - levelone.*;;leveltwo.*;;levelthree.*<br /> 
No parameters are needed to retrieve metadata.<br /> 
'''Action Type '''  -  Get Meta<br />
'''Field List'''  - companies.*<br />
No parameters are needed to retrieve metadata.<br />
Available in November 2018 Upgrade
====Get Metadata from Contacts====
<!--63342 - SmartConnect API - metadata option to include Orgs/Contacts-->
'''Action Type '''  -  Get Meta<br />
'''Field List'''  - contacts.*<br />
No parameters are needed to retrieve metadata.<br />
Available in November 2018 Upgrade
This function will retrieve the results of the query from an existing report by using the [[Determining_the_reportid|'''reportid''']].
'''reportid''' - is the [[Determining the reportid|Report ID]] of the [[Report|report]] in the instance.<br/>
'''Optional field'''<br/>
criteriavalue - when the [[Report|report]] has [[Setting_Text_Criteria_–_Logical_Operators_in_a_Report|text criteria]], values for the criteria(s) should be indicated in this field. If report contains multiple criteria, values should be delimited by double semi-colon eg. "VALUE_1;;VALUE_2".<br/> 
=====A report query on the number of assessors grouped by specialty=====
'''Description'''  - A sample that will display the number of Assessors based on their specialty<br />