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Workflows Overview

232 bytes removed, 14:25, 23 January 2018
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:* '''Routing: Use UTA Role''' - When using roles to select recipients, the UTA Role can be used to determine recipients. Only appears if workflow is UTA specific.
:* '''Routing: Role''' - Used to select recipients by role. This list includes all roles configured in the system, alongside the built-in roles that can be used in a workflow:
::** The Originator role is used to reference the name of the person that started the workflow. This could be the person that submitted an expense claim, added a file to a workflow or added a new employee. :*The Initiator role is used to reference the name of the person that initiated the current task in the workflow. This refers to the person that approved the current step of an expense claim, or reviewed a document loaded into a workflow enabled Smart Folder.::** The Owner role is used to reference the user assigned as the Owner of the record.::** The People role is used to reference the user assigned as the Person on the level one. This role is only available to Level One specific tasks.::** The Assigned Users role is used to send messaging to users who are in the Assigned field of a Level Two activity. This role is only available for Level Two workflows.
Once the role has been selected the following recipient choices are available:
::* All Users of this role – The message will be sent to all users in the selected role.
::* Selectable list of users currently in the role – The message is sent to the specific users that are selected.
:* '''Routing: Selected Users''' - details of the users configured as Recipients in the Role section
:* '''Routing Options''' - Specifies the types of options available to process this workflow step. In many instances, the default options can be used, such as Approved, Rejected or Revise. But additional and alternate sets of options can be created to reflect more complex business processes.
:::* '''Activity Amount''': Level 2 field used to store the calculated amount for each record. If 'N/A' is selected, the Level 2s will be created without an amount.
:::* '''Activity Index''': Level 2 field used to store the index number of each record. If 'N/A' is selected, the Level 2s will be created without an index number."
:: If '''Schedule by Number of Activities''' option is selected then following settings are exposed.
:::* '''Number of Activities''': Level 1 field used to set the number of activities to be created
:::* '''Activity Index''': Level 2 field used to store the index number of each record. If 'N/A' is selected, the Level 2s will be created without an index number."
:* '''Days Delay''' - Number in days of delay before creation of new activity. If left blank, the new activity will be created immediately.
:* '''Create for Users in UTA Role''' - select the UTA Role of the users that the Peer Activity should be created against.
:* '''Reminder Type''' - You can select whether a Quick Message or reminder email will be sent out to the Owner or contacts attached to the record, or any combination of the above.
:* '''Reminder Days''' - Sets delay for reminder message being sent.
===Task Type: Generate PDF File===
Auto generation of a PDF that can be:
:* '''Message Template: Email Body Format''' - Options are Plain Text or HTML.
:* '''Message Template: Email Message Header''' - The email header can be modified using the following syntax, with the arguments separated by semicolon:
::** X-Priority={1,2,3,4,5}::** Priority={normal,urgent,non-urgent}::** Importance={high,normal,low}::** Sensitivity={personal,private,company,confidential}::*: e.g. Priority=urgent;Importance=high:: * ::** '''Message Template: Subject''' - Narrative subject line of the message.::** '''Message Template: Body''' - Narrative body of the message.::** '''Message Template: Attach Object''' - Attaches the details of the object to the message. In the case of a SmartSimple object, such as a company, person, or application, the textual details of the object will be added. If the object is a file, then the file will be attached to an e-mail message, but not an instant message.::** '''Message Template: Attachment File IDs''' - Attach additional default files when triggered from a Smart Folder. See the Determining the File ID article for instructions.::** '''Message Template: Save as Event''' - will create an e-mail activity. If it’s L1/L2 workflow, where the UTA L2/L3 Email Activity settings have been configured, then it will be saved as L2/L3 event under the L1/L2 object. Otherwise it will be saved as user event against each recipient.::** '''Routing: Use Variable for Recipients''' - Allows recipients of the message to be selected using variables. See this article for configuration details.::** '''Routing: Use UTA Role''' - When using roles to select recipients, the UTA Role can be used to determine recipients.::** '''Routing: Role''' - Used to select recipients by role.::** '''Routing: Selected Users''' - If required, specific users can be selected to complete this task. This technique restricts the number of users that the initiator can select.::** '''Routing: Routing Options''' - Specifies the types of options available to process this workflow step. In many instances, the default options can be used, such as Approved, Rejected or Revise. But additional and alternate sets of options can be created to reflect more complex business processes.
::* '''Parameters''' - free text field to pass in parameters such as apitoken , alias id, etc. Can include username and password if not specified in the specific fields
::* '''Response Store to Custom Field ID''' - field on system where response from HTTP post can be stored
===Task Type: People Association===
You can use the People Association Workflow Task Type to automatically add one or more contacts to a Level 1 record. They will be assigned to the record with the UTA role defined in the "Roles will be assigned" setting.
::* Include a description, as the description will be presented to the user when they are asked to select the contact to be assigned.
In order to notify the contact(s) that they have been assigned you can create a subsequent Acknowledgement Workflow Task to e-mail all contacts with the UTA role you selected.
The system checks the connectors once the number of respondents on the task has been met, this behaviour is not configurable. The first connector the system checks will be taken if the requirements are met.
You must ensure the Workflow Task is sent to enough people to meet the minimum number of respondents required, if you do not send the task to enough recipients the task would never complete.
::* '''Trigger Workflow''' - Select the workflow that should be triggered from this dropdown menu.
::* '''Record id / Variable''' - this setting should contain the unique record ID for the record against which the selected workflow should be triggered. This record ID can be referenced using variables.
:::** Examples: If the workflow to be triggered is a User type workflow, you would need to provide a User ID for the contact record against which you would want the workflow to be triggered.:::** If the workflow is to be triggered against a series of Level 2s attached to a Level 1 record, you could use List Syntax to define a list of activities meeting certain criteria against which the workflow should be triggered.
::* '''Message Template: Custom Field ID for Response''' - The Custom Field ID of an XML custom field on the object that the Workflow was triggered against that the response returned by the external server.
::* '''Message Template: Email Message Header''' - The email header can be modified using the following syntax, with the arguments separated by semicolon:
:::** X-Priority={1,2,3,4,5}:::** Priority={normal,urgent,non-urgent}:::** Importance={high,normal,low}:::** Sensitivity={personal,private,company,confidential}:::*: e.g. Priority=urgent;Importance=high::: * :::** '''Message Template: Endpoint''' - The URL or IP address of the destination server:::** '''Message Template: Envelope Template''' - The content of the Web Service message to be sent to the external service. This can contain variables related to the object the workflow is triggered against.:::** '''Message Template: Attach Object''' - Attaches the details of the object to the message. In the case of a SmartSimple object, such as a company, person, or application, the textual details of the object will be added. If the object is a file, then the file will be attached to an e-mail message, but not an instant message.:::** '''Message Template: Attachment File IDs''' - Attach additional default files when triggered from a Smart Folder. See the Determining the File ID article for instructions.:::** '''Message Template: Save as Event''' - Email will be saved as an event.
If the content from the custom fields being included within the SOAP message contains certain special characters it will disrupt the XML structure, making the message unreadable by the receiving server.
:::: <span style="font-size: small;">&lt;![CDATA[ '''''CONTENTS''''' ]]></span>
For example, an address could contain ampersands, so it should be wrapped as follows:
:::* The workflow tasks will be imported into the new workflow.
:::* The Edit Workflow page will refresh to show the newly-added workflow tasks.
==Workflow Condition==
A logical statement can be added to workflow connectors in the Condition field, enabling you to specify which workflow task will be triggered.
:::* The last statement could also be represented as "@Selection@" not in ("Yes","No")
You can also use MySQL syntax to perform calculations within the Condition:
:::* date_format(now(),"%d")="01"
:::* date_format(now(),"%d")="01"
This condition will be true only on the 1st of the month. This could be used with a Recurring Workflow that loops daily if you wish to send out a summary e-mail on the 1st of every month.
::::* ''"@typeid@"="45678"'', respectively
If the workflow is fired against a record associated with typeID 67890, the workflow will never progress to the next task.
::::* ''"@typeid@"="67890"'', respectively
Alternatively, connectors with the following conditions could be set up:
::::* ''"@typeid@"!="12345"'' (not equal to "12345"), and
::::* ''"@typeid@" NOT IN ("12345","45678")'', respectively
'''2. Each condition must be mutually exclusive from every other'''
::::* ''"@statusid@" in ("888","999")''
The issue here is that both statements [[Boolean Operators|evaluate]] as '''true''' if the statuses on the record triggering the workflow have a statusID of 888 or 999.
::::* ''"@typeid@" not in ("12345","45678") AND "@statusid@" in ("888","999")''
This configuration satisfies Rule #2, in that the conditions are now mutually exclusive. However, a third connector must be included, with the following condition, which connects to the "Complete" task, in order to satisfy Rule #1 above:
::::* ''"@statusid@" not in ("888","999")''
With these three connectors configured, the workflow will:
::::* always have clear instructions on ''which'' task to trigger given a certain set of conditions (Rule #2).
==Using iCalendar to generate Meeting Requests, Tasks and Contact cards==
iCalendar is a file format that allows Internet users to send meeting requests, contacts and tasks through email and other digital methods.
The SmartSimple email engine will look for email contents that have ievent, itodo, and icard objects. The contents of these objects are assembled and added as email attachments.
The email engine will look for email contents that have ievent, itodo, and icard objects. The contents of these objects are assembled and added as email attachments.
The email engine will process iCalendar objects using the following syntax:
:::* "@@itodo"
:::* "@@icard"
Simple sample iCalendar objects are shown below
:::: Example:
:::: Example:
('''26''' is the objecttype for Level 2 activities, and will be the same for all Level 2 workflows)
:::** if the [[User|user]] is activated then sends the text "current password" (i.e. Password is: current password)
'''Task Type: Acknowledgment'''
:::** @randompassword@ - generates a new random [[Password|password]]
:::** @checkactivatedpassword@ - checks if the [[User|user]] is activated
:::**# You will need to review the other [[Workflow|workflows]] to make sure that two [[Workflow|workflows]] are not triggering on the same status.
:::**# You will need to review the configuration of the [[Workflow|workflows]] to ensure that the connectors are set appropriately as well as the individual tasks that are to take place.
==Determining the Workflow ID==
Once a workflow has been created, the workflow ID (''wfid'') can be found as follows:
:::*** The workflow ID is visible as the right-most column on the list of workflows.
:::*** Click on the Edit workflow icon for the Workflow you want, and the Workflow ID will be at the top of the page:
[[Category:System Management]][[Category:Workflows]][[Category:Applications]]

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