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Manager Permissions

546 bytes added, 13:51, 14 June 2013
Manager Permissions Available
==Manager Permissions Available==
* '''Allow Delete on MultiFile Fields'''<!--DELCUSFILES--> - Enables roles to delete files that have been uploaded to [[Custom Field Type: Link – Multiple Files|Link - Multiple File]] custom fields.
* '''Calendars - Create'''<!--CREATECALENDARS--> - Enables roles to create additional new calendars. All [[User|users]] have full control of their personal calendar regardless of this permission.* '''Calendars - Manager'''<!--EDITCALENDARS--> - Enables roles to view and add entries to calendars. All [[User|users]] have full control of their personal calendar regardless of this permission.* '''Companies - Allow Save Draft when creating/editing Companies'''<!--SAVEDRAFTCOMPANIES--> - Displays "Save Draft" button on Company records in edit mode for enabled roles.   * '''Calendars Permission''' – [[Role|Roles]] with this permission are able to create new calendars. All [[User|users]] are able to view and add entries to calendars, but only to the extent permitted by that specific calendar. All [[User|users]] have full control of their personal calendar regardless of this permission.
* '''Discussion Groups - Create''' - [[Role|Roles]] with this permission are able to add new discussion groups. All [[User|users]] are able to participate in the discussion groups, but only to the extent permitted by that specific discussion group. For example, a specific organisation may be added to the discussion, but everyone may be able to read the discussion.
* '''Enable Persistent Login Permission''' - [[Role|Roles]] with this permission are able to enable [[Personal_Settings|persistent login]] in the user's personal settings.

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