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519 bytes removed, 18:41, 2 May 2013
===[[Administration Interface|Interface]]===
* The format of the Report list view in the [[Report Management window]] has been upgraded to show icons in place of buttons as follows:
** Run Report: {{RunReportIconReportIcons}}** Edit Report: {{EditIcon}}** Copy Report: {{CopyIcon}}** File Export: {{FileExportIcon}} (if the report is not enabled for File Export, the icon will be grayed out: {{ReportFileExportNotEnabledIcon}})** Custom Export: {{CustomExportIcon}} (if the report is not enabled for Custom Export, the icon will be grayed out: {{ReportCustomExportNotEnabledIcon}})** Internet Enabled: {{InternetEnabledIcon}} (if the report is not Internet Enabled, the icon will be grayed out: {{NotInternetEnabledIcon}})
<!--20226 - report list reformatting-->
* The format of the [[SmartFolders]] list interface has been updated. The {{InternetEnabledIcon}} icon will display to indicate that the SmartFolder is Internet Enabled.

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