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The User Centric Interface (UCI) provides an alternative interface to SmartSimple users. This interface is designed for casual users who need to:
See [[Portals]]
* Maintain a comprehensive profile.
* Network with other users in a virtual community.
* Update projects that they may be participating in.
People whom you want to access the system through a UCI must have an access level of Through applications only - not Through roles and menus.
There are three important elements to be aware of when working with the UCI:
==Personal Transactions==
These represent items that the user maintains in their profile using the UCI.
* The administrator defines the transaction types.
* Examples of transaction types are education, work history, or publications history.
* Each transaction type supports custom fields, a list view template, and the ability to control if the transaction type is available to the user, via the UCI.
* Each transaction type can be associated with one or more roles within the system.
* These transactions are also visible within the administrative interface for each contact.
* When a user subscribes to a folder, their profile becomes searchable to all other users subscribed to the folders.
* The administrator defines the folders and associates the folders with each UCI.
* These folders are actually constructs from the SmartSimple Applicant Tracking system.
==User Centric Interface==
This component is used to create the alternative interface for the SmartSimple user.
* The UCI is configured from within the administrative interface.
* Multiple interfaces can be created within the same instance of SmartSimple.
* The UCI configuration is accessed through the Configuration, User Centric Interface menu.
==Creating a Personal Transaction Type==
1. Click Configuration, User Centric Interface menu.
2. Click the Transaction Types tab.
3. Click the New Type tab.
Each Transaction type consists of the following standard settings:
* '''Name''' - name of the transaction type. For example: Education.
* '''Type''' - choose people, for people-related transactions or company, for company-related transactions.
* '''Display Order''' - the order in which the transaction types should be listed, in both the administrative interface, and the UCI.
* '''Associated Roles''' - the roles to be associated with this transaction type. Use everyone to associate the transaction type with all users.
* '''Use Publication Service''' – indicates that this transaction type can be completed using a web service such as PUBMED. Enabling this option will display a service lookup link in the User Centric Interface when the user adds a transaction of this type.
* '''Built-In Fields''' - there are four standard fields associated with a generic transaction type: start date, end date, subject, and description. If these fields are not required, set their label settings to blank.
* '''Field Button''' - provides a link to the custom field list for this transaction type.
==Transaction Type List View==
* Defines the field list to be used when displaying this transaction type.
* The field order and hyperlink can be set.
* Note - when configuring the UCI, you can overwrite this list view with an alternative transaction view.
==Configuring the UCI==
1. Click the Configuration, User Centric Interface menu.
2. Click the New Interface tab.
Each UCI consists of the following standard settings:
* '''Name''' - the name of the interface.
* '''Description''' - a general description for the interface.
* '''People Folders''' – the contact folders that will be exposed in this UCI for users.
* '''Is Activated''' - Check box to activate the UCI.
* '''External URL''' - link to the login page for this interface. Note: access to a UCI is not role-based, but entry-point-based. This URL must be used to access the UCI.
* '''Logo Path''' - the SmartFolder where the logo is stored for display within the UCI.
* '''Language''' - the default language for the UCI. Changing the language will change the captions on all the standard buttons.
* '''Login Page''' - the HTML content required for the login page.
* '''Splash Page''' - the HTML content of the first page the user will see when logged in.
* '''Tabs''' - the Home, My Profile and People tab captions. The captions can be changed. Additional tabs will be added to the UCI at a later date.
* '''People Search Field List''' - a listed set of fields that can be included in the People List and People Details template.
* '''People List Template''' - the HTML and fields (see field list above) required for the people list view.
* '''People Details Template''' - the HTML and fields (see field list above) required for the people list view.
There are three additional tabs in the UCI configuration window:
* '''Transaction List''' - used to define the presentation of the personal transactions within the UCI.
* '''UTA List''' – used to define if the user can update level 2 transactions for an associated UTA.
* '''Visual Settings''' - used to define the look and feel of the UCI.
==Transaction List==
The Transaction list is used as follows:
1. Click the '''Transaction List''' tab.
2. Choose the required transaction type from the transaction type combo box.
3. Set the '''label'''.
The label can be different to the transaction type name if, for example, the UCI was the French version of an English instance.
4. Define the List template - this includes both the HTML and the variables.
5. Click the '''Save''' button.
Note: if you do not include a transaction type through the Transaction List it will not be visible within the UCI, but will be visible within the Administrative interface.
==Visual Settings==
Six different colour schemes can be selected.
[[Category:System Management]]

Latest revision as of 13:58, 3 May 2019

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See Portals