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[[Role|Roles]] are a key feature of [[SmartSimple]] and control many important aspects of the system.
#REDIRECT [[User Role]]
Generally, you will use [[Role Based Security|role-based security]] for the majority of your configuration needs.
[[Role|Roles]] control the following features:
* [[Administration Interface|Administrative Interface]] Menu – the [[Menu|menu]] items displayed in the administrative interface are controlled by [[Role|role]].
* [[Portal]] Interface – you can create a specific portal view for people in a specific [[Role|role]].  This will override the display of the [[Administration Interface|administrative interface]].
* '''Field Data''' – you can gather different information for different roles through role specific custom fields.
* '''Manager permissions''' – manager permissions in all [[Application|applications]] and key features are associated with specific [[Role|roles]].
* '''Permission a role to set other roles''' – for example, a sales [[Role|role]] may be able to change a "suspect" role to a "prospect" role, but not to a "customer" or “employee” [[Role|role]].
* When you use the [[Associates]]/[[Associations]] feature to associate a contact with an organisation to which they are not a contact, you use a [[Role|role]] to show the relationship between the person and the organisation.
* Within the [[Universal Tracking Application|Universal Tracking Applications]], [[Role|roles]] are used to define a context specific role for a person.  For example, a customer may be playing the role of project leader but only for a specific project.
* Reference the [[Role|role]] in a collaborative [[Workflow|workflow]] step. For instance, you can specify that everyone with an “Executive” [[Role|role]] needs to approve a document before distribution.
* Locate all the people in a specific [[Role|role]] for activities such as email broadcasting.
==Notes on Roles==
Before you add many [[User|users]] to [[SmartSimple]], it is important to define [[Role|roles]].
* You can define any number of [[Role|roles]].
* You can associate a single [[User|user]] with any number of [[Role|roles]].
* Only the [[Global Administrator]] or a [[Local Administrator]] can define [[Role|roles]].
* Once a [[Role|role]] is created, the administrator associates users with that [[Role|roles]].
Always make sure the role is defined before you use the '''User Import Wizard'''.
The wizard provides a feature that allows you to select one or more roles for the users you are uploading.
==The Everyone Role==
There is one built-in role – the '''everyone''' role.
* Every contact will be a member of the everyone [[Role|role]], regardless of the other roles you may give them.
* You can set a [[Menu|menu for the '''Everyone''' role but unlike other roles you cannot create a [[Portal|portal]] for everyone or provide access to reports to the '''Everyone''' role.
[[Category:Roles]][[Category:Security]][[Category:System Management]]

Latest revision as of 15:28, 21 June 2019

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