
Visibility Condition

319 bytes added, 21:36, 9 October 2009
no edit summary
* To make the field visible for a user with [[roleid ]] 9999 ',@me.rolelist@,' REGEXP ',9999,' =:''REGEXP checks to see of the 2nd term (,9999,) can be found within the first term (@me.rolelist@) and returns true (1) if it is found and false (0) if it’s not found.
*To make the field hidden for a user with roleid 9999
',@me.rolelist@,' REGEXP ',9999,' = 0
:''In this case REGXP will return true (1) if the role is found, and since 1 does not equal 0 it will hide the field for users with [[roleid]] 9999
*To make the field visible only when the status is Draft or Open