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Status Field Permissions

1,094 bytes added, 19:38, 22 May 2009
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When you use [[Custom Field|custom fields]] in conjunction with the UTA an additional set of permissions are available. These permissions control the visibility and modifiability of the field at different statuses.


There are four options:

* '''Allow View Field''' - Defines the level 1 statuses at which the field can be viewed.
* '''Allow Modify Field''' - Defines the level 1 statuses at which the field can be modified.
* '''Deny View Field''' - Defines the level 1 statuses at which the field cannot be viewed.
* '''Deny Modify Field''' - Defines the level 1 statuses at which the field cannot be modified.

* These permissions are used in conjunction with the [[Role Field Permissions]]. You must be in role to see a field AND the field needs to be visible at that status.
* If no UTA status permissions are set the fields are only controlled through the role permissions and the field [[Visibility Condition]]s.
* This feature is available for all [[Custom Field|custom fields]] at levels 1, 2 and 3 in the UTA.

[[Category:Custom Fields]][[Category:Security]]

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