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Custom Field Type: Select One – Combo Box

515 bytes added, 19:49, 12 May 2009
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* '''Field Name''': The name of the field, used internally to reference the user's input
* '''[[Caption]]''': The leading question or prologue before the field
* '''Allow Empty''': This check box allows the field record to be left empty saved with the default first value. ('''Important''': see See [[#Notes|belowNotes]]below)
* '''Searchable''': This field can be searched within the tracking application
* '''Track Changes''': Keeps track of changes made to this field
'''Values''': The values to be used within the combo box, delimited by a semi-colon with no spaces.
The first value listed will be the default value when a new record is created. '''Note:''' If you want the value ''stored '' in the field to be different than from what is ''displayed '' in the combo box you can use the following syntax in the '''Values''' section:
'''<u>Allow Empty</u>'''
Because the value values in this field a Combo Box [[Custom Field]] are restricted to the semi-colon delimited list in the '''Values''' field, the '''Allow Empty''' field has a slightly different behaviour than usual. It controls whether or not the record can be saved with the default value (which is the first value listed in the '''Values''' section): * If '''Allow Empty''' is checked, the first item listed in the record '''Valuescan''' list will be saved with the default value for the field.  * If '''Allow Empty''' is '''not ''' checked, the [[User|record '''cannot''' be saved with the default value. In this way you can force the user]] to select a value and not accept the default value.:* '''Important:''' Because the record cannot save be saved with the form without selecting a default value other than , the first item listed in the list. The first item '''Value''' section should be either a space followed by a semi-colon (if you want the field to start out blank) or an instruction to the user such as -----Select One-----; Please choose; or similar. You do not want an actual value as the first item, since the record can never be saved with the first value.
[[Category:Custom Fields]]

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