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Custom Field Type: Special – MS Word Merge

3,100 bytes added, 18:13, 29 March 2009
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'''MS Word Merge Field''' - This new field type provides the ability to dynamically create an MS Word document from underlying [[SmartSimple]] data. The feature works as follows:

* Any MS Word document can be used, up to and including MS Word 2007 documents (DOCX, DOTX).
* You must first create a document template which includes standard MS Word Form fields matching the names of the [[SmartSimple]] [[Variables|variable]] names that you wish to reference.
* Once complete, the template is uploaded to a [[Smart Folder]].
* You then create the MS Word Merge custom field in [[SmartSimple]] that will be used to dynamically populate the document.

The values section can be completed in two ways:

* The value can be assigned by name to the Form field: Byfirstname=@me.firstname@; the Form Field value is set to the [[User|user]]'s first name by referencing the @me.firstname@ variable.
* The value can be assigned by position to the Form field: @#468535#@; the third form field value will be set custom field ID @#468535#@. '''Note''': Field references are semi-colon delimited.

You can also add data to one or more existing tables in the resultant MS Word document if you have multiple records that you need to include.
* In the example above the first table (identified by position and referenced as table_1) is set to the records associated with the [[Entity|entity]].

You must specify the [[Smart Folder]] ID where the documents are located or the file ID.

* If you specify the [[Smart Folder]] ID all documents in the folder will be displayed in a dropdown upon initiating the Word merge and the [[User|user]] can choose the document that he/she wishes to create.
* If you specify the Document ID then that specific document will be created.
* Once configured, you click the button associated with the MS Word Merge and the document will be dynamically created and the [[SmartSimple]] data added.
* The document can then be saved locally. '''Note''': the [[User|user]] will need to use the MS Word Save As feature as the document will be read only.

'''Uploading an MS Word Merge document to a custom field'''

Documents created in this manner are "disconnected" from [[SmartSimple]]. If you wish to upload the document to [[SmartSimple]] you can use one of two techniques:
* Login and upload the document to the appropriate single or multiple file field.
* Use the SmartDoc [[Plug-In|plug-in]] to automatically attach the document to a specified single or multiple file field, without directly logging into the system.

'''SmartDoc plug-in document uploading:'''

* To use the SmartDoc plug-in to upload a Word document you need to specify the field that should be used to store the document.
* The field name is set in the MS Word merge field type - [[Custom Field]] setting.
* Once the document has been completed off-line, the [[User|user]] selects Upload Document in MS Word and the document will be uploaded and attached to the field.
* You will need to download and install the latest version of the SmartDoc [[Plug-In|plug-in]].

[[Category:Enhancements]][[Category:Custom Fields]]

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