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69 bytes added, 24 June
On-Demand System Upgrades
==On-Demand System Upgrades==
The following features are available immediately with the application of the upgrade, but must first be enabled or configured by a '''Global Administrator''':
===Major Updates===
<!-- 145858 - Privacy and Security Policies 2.0 -->
Privacy and security policies are crucial for aligning your system with regulations, mitigating risks, and fostering user trust by detailing how user privacy and data will be protected.
Our latest update to this feature simplifies the configuration and enhances the user experience of this compliance checkpoint within your system.
Some key features include:
Tailored * T'''ailored Policy Creation''': Develop custom policies with distinct sections and translations to meet regulatory requirements, mitigate risks, and build user trust by clearly explaining how privacy and data will be safeguarded.* '''Scope, Timing, and Audience Specification''': Define the collection points, such as login pages, registration forms, or specific application processes, and outline enforcement mechanisms for each policy.* '''Policy Builder''': Use this new tool to create customized sections of a policy, addressing specific compliance needs. For example, a privacy policy might include sections like 'Information Collection', 'Data Processing', 'Data Sharing', etc.* '''Version Management and Compliance Tracking''': Manage different versions of your policies, monitor compliance, and view detailed records of user acceptance for accountability.
To activate the new '''Privacy and Security Policies ''' feature, system administrators need to navigate to:'''Menu Icon''' > '''Global Settings''' > '''Classic Options''' tab > Disable the classic privacy and security policies.
Menu Icon > Global Settings > Classic Options tab > Disable '''Note''': Existing policies will not be migrated to the classic privacy new feature and security policiesmust be rebuilt. Existing policy acceptance information will still be retained.
Note: Existing For more information, visit our [[Privacy and Security Policies|wiki article on privacy and security policies will not be migrated to the new feature and must be rebuilt. Existing policy acceptance information will still be retained]].
For more information, visit our wiki article:
====New Feature to Follow Organizations====
<!-- 125333 - Follow/Subscribe Function for Organizations -->
Have you ever wished to receive notifications when an organization you're interested in posts new opportunities? We've introduced a feature that allows users to follow organizations, enabling automated alerts for new opportunities as they become available. From the user's perspective, you can follow organizations in bulk by visiting the organization list view and selecting your desired organizations. Alternatively, you can go to a specific organization's record and click the follow button.
For system administrators interested in enabling this feature, navigate to '''Menu Icon ''' > Global Settings > Organization tab > Toggle on Allow users to follow organizations.
Additionally, system administrators need to set up a UTA Level 1 workflow with an acknowledgment task to notify followers of organizations. Please ensure that the organization is assigned in the Level 1 Customer field.
<!-- 132800 - Volunteer Management - Scheduler for L2 Shifts -->
Ever needed to efficiently schedule multiple activities, such as events or shifts, in bulk? We've introduced a customizable wizard that simplifies the creation of Level 2 activities using recurrence rules.
From the user's perspective, navigate to the desired Level 1 record, access the tools dropdown, and select the appropriate Level 2 creation wizard. Alternatively, the wizard can be accessed inline as a button on the record.
Note: You will need an OpenAI license to use AI features on SmartSimple. Contact your account manager or for further information on billing and implementation.
To learn more about all our AI features, visit the wiki at
===Minor Updates===
====New Language Translations for System Variables====
<!-- 147155 - York - Enhancement - Enable translation on System Variables -->
The System Variables feature allows administrators to define a value in one place and display it throughout different areas of the system. This simplifies maintenance, as an administrator can update a value in one location and the change will take effect across the entire system.
With this upgrade, you can now specify language translations for system variables. Instead of creating separate variables, you can create a single variable and display different values based on the user's language. If no translation is defined, the system will display the English language value.
<!-- 146000 - Add support for notes in special - linked record list -->
The "Special – Linked Record List" custom field enables you to view and add related items to a record directly within the interface, eliminating the need to navigate to other areas of the system.
This feature simplifies the process of managing organizations, users, activities, and invitations. With this upgrade, you can now view and add notes using this custom field, for an improved user experience.
<!-- 159322 - AI Vision for PDF File Processing -->
We've introduced the capability to extract text from PDF files and store it in a multiline text custom field. Once the data is extracted into this field as plain text, it can be utilized with our +AI features for tasks such as translation, summarization, and manipulation.
System Administrators can enable this feature by navigating to the desired "Upload - Multiple Files Storage" custom field, toggling on "Enable PDF Text Export," and specifying the multiline text custom field under the "Value Storage" section where the extracted content should be stored.
<!-- 156534 - Add additional info to ORCID display on user profile -->
Systems utilizing the ORCID integration to showcase researcher information on user profiles can now display additional information in a new tab.
System Administrators can select which new information to display by navigating to the user standard field named "ORCID" and toggling on the additional data they wish to show on user profiles.

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