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Variable List

503 bytes added, 24 January
Organization Categories
||No variables
||CurrencyName||@currencycurrencyname@|-||Currency Code||@currencycode@|-||Exchange Currency  Name||@excurrencyname@
||Exchange CurrencyCode||@excurrencyexcurrencycode@
||Currency Exchange Rate
||'''Contact People'''
||'''Contact User ID'''
||@contact.userid@ -- Returns one only, even with multiple contacts assigned
||'''Owner ID'''
||'''Parent Name'''
||@province@- If using abbreviated store values use to get the full name
==When calling on Level 1 and Level 2 information from a Level 2 Workflow==
{| class="wikitable"
|+style="text-align:left"|Calling L1 and L2 fields from a L2 WorkbflowWorkflow
!|Field Name
==Parent can be Company, Level 1, Opportunity or Leads==
{| class="wikitable"
||@province@- If using abbreviated store values use to get the full name
||'''Postal code'''
==Organization Categories==
'''@catlist@''' lists  lists the roleid of each Organization Category the company (Account/Organization) belongs to.
'''@categories@''' lists the category names of each Organization Category the company (Account/Organization) belongs to.
==Custom Fields attached to Roles==

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