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US census graphs

6 bytes added, 18:58, 20 October 2023
How to enable US Census data for UTA Level 1
* Click Save
Now navigate to a level 1 record in your UTA and you will see a new tab called US Census in the left navigation as long as you have the '''Customer''' Standard standard field enabled and an organization selected in that Customer field. The selected organization must also have a US address and the latitude and longitude standards fields populated with data.
To check if the '''Customer''' standard field is enabled, navigate to the desired UTA and go to '''Configuration Settings''' > Level 1 tab > '''Standard Fields'''. If you see text in the '''Caption''' column of the '''Customer''' Standard standard field it has been enabled. If you do not see any text in the '''Caption ''' column, edit the standard field and add text and save.
Smartstaff, administrator

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