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Creating SmartConnect Functions

1,320 bytes added, 15:01, 23 June 2023
Delete Multiple Upload Files
: '''''sample3:'''''
: An example query with brackets: ( (cf_somefield1 like '%whatever%' or cf_somefield2 like  '%whatever%'  or cf_somefield3 like  '%whatever%'  or cf_somefield4like  '%whatever%' ) and (cf_someotherfield1='whatever' or cf_someotherfield2='whatever else'))
: criteria: [{ "andor": "(", "field": "cf_somefield1", "operator": "like", "value": "whatever" },{ "andor": "or", "field": "cf_somefield2", "operator": "like", "value": "whatever" },{ "andor": "or", "field": "cf_somefield3", "operator": "like", "value": "whatever" },{ "andor": "or", "field": "cf_somefield4", "operator": "like", "value": "whatever" },{ "andor": ") and (", "field": "cf_someotherfield1", "operator": "=", "value": "whatever" },{ "andor": "or", "field": "cf_someotherfield2", "operator": "=", "value": ""whatever else" }]
: sortby: 
: othersettings : {"getstorevalue":"0","keyformat":"0"}
====Delete Multiple Upload Files====
<!-- 138847 - API function to delete files -->
After the July 2023 upgrade, new function to delete files from Upload - Multiple Files Storage fields was added.
'''Function Name'''  -  3.09.6 Delete Files in Level One<br />
'''Description'''  - Delete existing files from a multiple file field in [[Category:Universal_Tracking_Application|Universal Tracking Application]] Level 1 record<br />
'''Object Type'''  -  Submission Manager - Grant<br />
'''Action Type '''  -  Files - Delete<br />
'''Field List'''  - cf_multiplefilefield
'''Description'''  - To delete existing files from a multiple file field in Submission Manager Level 1<br/>
'''Mandatory fields'''<br/>
objectid -  is the [[Universal Tracking Application]] Level 1 id (opportunityid) where the file to be deleted is located.<br/>
fieldid -  the field id of the multiple file field<br/>
filename -  the filename of the file to be deleted
--Begin custom parameter --<br />
jsonrset : [{"objectid":"1223454","fieldid":"3163245","filename":"147807_dup.png"},{"objectid":"1223454","fieldid":"2697568","filename":"128895.png"}]<br />
--End custom parameter--
'''Object Type'''  -  Submission Manager - Transactions<br />
'''Action Type '''  - Update<br />
'''Field List'''  -   sf_Object ID;;sf_Subject;;sf_Status;;sf_Type;;cf_Remarks;;
Note that translevel is new in version 2 where translevel=1 for UTA L1 and translevel=2 for UTA L2.
--Begin custom parameter --<br />
jsonrset : [{"recordid":"0","sf_Object ID":"10697883","sf_Type":"2119","sf_Status":"82626","translevel":"1","sf_Subject":"Test Transaction Record"}]<br />
--End custom parameter--<br />
'''<span style="color: #ff0000;">New Endpoint</span>: '''/API/2/transactions/<br />
[[File:Transactions_01.png|800px]]<br />
<u>'''Sample C''' - creating new transaction record in Submission Mgr L2 from API v2</u><br/><!--134010 - SmartConnect API link and unlink transactions from Objects--><br/> '''Function Name'''  - Create or Update Transaction Record in Submission Manager L2 (API v2)<br/>
 '''Description'''  - Create new transaction record attached to a Submission Manager L2 record<br/>
 '''Object Type'''  -  Submission Manager - Transactions<br/>
 '''Action Type '''  - Update<br/>
 '''Field List'''  -   sf_Object ID;;sf_Subject;;sf_Status;;sf_Type;;cf_Remarks;;<br/>
Note that translevel is new in version 2 where translevel=1 for UTA L1 and translevel=2 for UTA L2.<br/>

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