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1 byte added, 20:58, 21 June 2023
Minor Updates
<!-- 125548 - Allow custom search for aggregate shortcuts to a list view -->
[[File:2023-07-ticket-125548-1.png|thumb|none|800px|If you are configuring an Aggregate shortcut and you do not select Link to List View, you can have the shortcut open a portal section that contains a list view with a custom search.]]
====Added Role Permissions to Shortcut Visibility====
Added an easier way to set role permissions for the visibility of shortcuts on the '''Common''' portal role. Previously, visibility conditions had to be set in order to show or hide shortcuts based on role. To set permissions, go to '''Menu Icon''' > '''Global Settings''' > '''Users''' tab > '''Portals''' > Select the '''Common''' portal > Click the '''Shortcuts''' button in the top action bar > Edit a shortcut > '''Permissions''' tab > Set roles for '''Allow Access or Deny Access'''.
<!-- 144913 - Add role access permissions to shortcuts -->
[[File:2023-07-ticket-144913-1.png|thumb|none|800px|Added role permissions for shortcut visibility on shortcuts created under the common role. Previously you would have had to write your own visibility conditions.]]
====Added Portal and Draft Portal Buttons to Shortcuts====
Updated the configuration pages for portal '''Shortcuts''' to include the''' Portal''' and '''Draft Portal''' buttons in the top action bar. These new buttons will help the user easily navigate to the appropriate portal from the shortcut configuration screen.
<!-- 144920 - Add portal link into the breadcrumb on the editing shortcut screen -->
[[File:2023-07-ticket-144920-1-.png|thumb|none|800px|Easily navigate from the editing shortcuts to editing the associated portal.]]
====Added Ability to Batch Add Notes in List View====
Added the ability to batch update the '''Owner''' and the '''Parent Company''' fields from the organization list view. The associated role permission to give access to the feature is found at '''Menu Icon''' > '''Global Settings''' > '''Security''' tab > '''System Feature Permissions''' > '''Organization''' tab. The settings are '''Enable Batch Update''' and '''Enable Batch Update Owner'''. Once permissions have been set up, go to''' Menu Icon''' > '''Organizations''' > Select the desired organizations > Click the''' Assign Owner''' button.
<!-- 138628 - Batch update for organization and users -->
====Added Role Permissions to Shortcut Visibility====
Added an easier way to set role permissions for the visibility of shortcuts on the '''Common''' portal role. Previously, visibility conditions had to be set in order to show or hide shortcuts based on role. To set permissions, go to '''Menu Icon''' > '''Global Settings''' > '''Users''' tab > '''Portals''' > Select the '''Common''' portal > Click the '''Shortcuts''' button in the top action bar > Edit a shortcut > '''Permissions''' tab > Set roles for '''Allow Access or Deny Access'''.
<!-- 144913 - Add role access permissions to shortcuts -->
[[File:2023-07-ticket-144913-1.png|thumb|none|800px|Added role permissions for shortcut visibility on shortcuts created under the common role. Previously you would have had to write your own visibility conditions.]]
====Added Portal and Draft Portal Buttons to Shortcuts====
Updated the configuration pages for portal '''Shortcuts''' to include the''' Portal''' and '''Draft Portal''' buttons in the top action bar. These new buttons will help the user easily navigate to the appropriate portal from the shortcut configuration screen.
<!-- 144920 - Add portal link into the breadcrumb on the editing shortcut screen -->
[[File:2023-07-ticket-144920-1-.png|thumb|none|800px|Easily navigate from the editing shortcuts to editing the associated portal.]]
==Notes for Admins==

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