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Signup Page

77 bytes added, 19:43, 9 March 2023
How to setup a signup page that uses an external verification service
===How to setup a signup page that uses an external verification service===
Generally, you set up each verification service in a similar way. Below is how you setup a signup page using the IRS verification option. Before you begin, you need to setup a custom field to hold the '''Employer Identification Number''' (EIN) value. The EIN is a Federal Tax Identification Number, it is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the '''Internal Revenue Service''' (IRS) to business entities operating in the United States. Other verification services will have a different identification number.
# If you do not already have a custom field to hold the EIN number, create a '''Text Box - Text Single Line''' custom field in the organization custom fields, and permission this field to be available as desired.
# Setup an organization signup page the same way as above.
# On the organization signup page select the desired user signup page as per above.
# In the '''Input Form''' section drag and drop the EIN custom field we you created earlier from the '''Available Fields''' to the '''Selected Fields'''. This You must add a custom field is required for this number in order to use the IRS verification feature.# For '''Verification Service''' select '''United States Internal Revenue Service via Charity NavigatorAgency (IRS)'''.
# Click '''Sample Instructions''' for both '''Search Instructions''' and '''Result Instructions'''.
# For '''Additional Automatic Field Population''' click the '''Add Mapping Field''' button that looks like a plus sign to create a new row.
Smartstaff, administrator

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