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Creating a workflow with scheduled reminders

116 bytes removed, 15:38, 17 May 2022
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Use case: Notifications that a Issuing notifications about upcoming task is due to be completed is deadlines is a common requirement in grants administration. These reminders are particularly important when it comes to the completion of progress reports once a grant has been awarded. Automating these reminders reduces the administrative burden on internal staff members. This can also be helpful in the case of multi-year grants or grants with multiple reporting requirements, which can be time consuming to follow up on manually
Example: An For example, an application gets approved by a grants administrator. A report schedule is created with due dates set at 3 month intervals between the start and the end date of the grant. Automated notifications can be scheduled to remind the individual responsible to complete the task in a timely manner. A Workflow is a set of repeatable steps used to automate and streamline your business processes within the system.
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