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Creating a workflow with scheduled reminders

1,551 bytes added, 19:54, 13 May 2022
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=Appendix=* The next connector connects the 4 Week Reminder to Grantee to the 1 Week Reminder to Grantee.** We have also given it a Name, left the trigger as default and selected the task that it is connecting to.** The trigger date is set to the date that the report is due in the Application Manager** There is a delay of -7 days because the email is to be sent out 1 week (7 days) before the report is due.   * The next 2 connectors connect 1 Week Reminder to Grantee to the On Due Date reminder to the Grantee, and then the On due date reminder to the Grant Staff respectively.** The trigger date is set to the date that the report is due.** There isn’t a delay required since it is supposed to be sent out the day the report is due.   * The next connector connects On due date reminder to the Grant Staff to the Status to Overdue** If, for some reason, the report does not get filled out on the due date, the Status to Overdue task changes the status of the report to overdue.** The trigger date is set to the date that the report is due.** There is a delay of 1 day but this time, it is sent 1 day after the due date. INSERT IMAGE   * The last connector connects Status to Overdue to the Complete.** If the report gets filled out on the due date, the workflow is completed. You should then connect this task to the Complete to confirm there are no more outstanding tasks and for the workflow log display.** The trigger date is set to the date that the report is due.** There is no delay and all other options are left as default. INSERT IMAGE    
==Options and Settings==
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