

28 bytes added, 14:32, 1 March 2022
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Private Cloud Production (Managed Upgrades) release date: '''March 24 2022'''<br />
Private Cloud Backup (Managed Upgrades) release date: '''March 10 2022'''
==Global System Upgrades==
Added the ability to choose the '''Type''' color for the icon on Level 1 list views. Previously, the Level 1 list view icons always used the '''Status''' color, whereas level 2s and 3s had the option to choose. To see the new setting called '''Color Code Based On''', navigate to the configuration screen of a Level 1 list view.
[[File:2022-03-ticket-125156.jpg|thumb|none|800px|A new setting in the list view properties allows users to display color based on '''<strong>Type''' </strong> or '''<strong>Status'''</strong>. ]]
<!--125156 - choose type color instead of status for icons on level 1 list views-->
====Updated the Ability to Set Role-Based IP Restrictions for Login====
You can now set an allow list of IP addresses per role which will be used to only allow certain IP addresses to log into the system under a specific role. To see the new setting for this additional layer of security, navigate to''' Global Settings''' > '''Users''' tab > '''Roles''' > Edit a role > '''Permissions''' tab.
<!--123794 - Ability to edit ORCID Unlink Account Message-->
====Added Default Layout for Advanced Data Tables====
Added a new “Page Layout” setting for the custom field '''Special - Advanced Data Table''' so you can easily set up this field type without looking at or modifying code. To use these new options, create or navigate to a custom field of type '''Special - Advanced Data Table'''. For the new option '''Page Layout''', select "Default". This will surface the new setup options for '''Page Title''' and '''Page Instructions'''. The '''Section Builder''' has also been updated to include new options for '''Display Order''' (under the '''Section Details''' tab) and '''Visibility Condition''' (under the '''Permissions and Availability''' tab).
[[File:2022-03-ticket-125057.jpg|thumb|none|800px|A new default layout for '''<strong>Advanced Data Tables''' </strong> makes them easier to set up.]]
<!--125057 - Advanced Data Table- make it simple (Default Layout)-->
Added a button called '''Populate from Field''' on the custom field translations screen. This convenience feature allows you to populate the translation you are currently working on with placeholder data. It pulls the placeholder values from the base field for context. To see this new button, go to '''UTA Settings''' > '''Level One''' tab > '''Custom Fields''' > Edit a custom field > Click the '''Custom Field Translation Settings''' button on the top action bar > Select a language > Click the '''Populate from Field''' button.
[[File:2022-03-ticket-125057-1.png|thumb|none|800px|The new button is located on the '''<strong>Custom Field Translation Settings'''</strong>.]]
<!--125057 - Advanced Data Table- make it simple (Default Layout)-->