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1,036 bytes added, 19:23, 22 October 2021
Status Translation Settings
The ==Overview==Statuses represent a core concept within the SmartSimple Cloud platform. Each status represents the '''Settingsstate''' page within of the related object. Statuses can be defined with the Universal Tracking application for all types of objects that you create; Level 1 objects and Level 2 and Level 3 activities. You can also use statuses with both contacts and organizations. This article concentrates on the use of Statuses for the [[Universal Tracking Applicationbut the same logic applies to contact and organization statuses. ===Why?===Statuses can be assigned to all records in SmartSimple Cloud, including [[User|users]] allows and [[Organization hierarchy|organizations]]. By assigning statuses to [[Entity|entities]] in your system, you are able to define track your relationships with anyone and everyone that you interact with, both [[Internal|internally]] and [[External|externally]]. A good use-case for the benefits of statuses is if you have an organization''''Status '''as '''Registered, '''but not yet '''Verified. '''Once their status is switched into '''Verified, '''you are able to enter that information to change their status in your [[SmartSImple]] [[instance]], and both the status and record will be updated simultaneously. You can create as many status options as you need; they can be modified and updated in your [[Global Settings]], [[UTA Settings - Settings|UTA Settings]], as well as from any individual organization or applicant record. =Configuration - Essentials===Creating UTA Statuses==To edit with statuses within a UTA, you need '''Administrator Access''' for your that UTA. If you have this permission, go to the '''Configuration Settings''' on the UTA, signified by the gear icon. Next, choose the Level 1, Level 2 and , or Level 3 recordstab, and then click on the '''Statuses''' link. The Statuses can be used to track the state or condition of the records [[Image:ApplicationStatuses. png|600px]]
The '''Status''' settings for Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 are similar, with a few differences outlined below.
* For Level 1 statuses, click the '''Statuses''' link in the Level 1 settings tab, located second from the left in the [[UTA Settings - Settings|UTA Settings]].* For Level 2 statuses, click the '''Statuses''' link in the Level 2 settings tab, located third from the left in the [[UTA Settings - Settings|UTA Settings]] (if enabled).* For Level 3 statuses click the '''Statuses''' link in the Level 3 settings tab, located fourth from the left in the [[UTA Settings - Settings|UTA Settings]] (if enabled).[[Image:ActivityStatuses.png|600px]]  * Details of each status are displayed when you click into a specific status. ==Creating Organization/Contact Statuses==:* Organization statuses are accessible from [[Global Settings]] > [[Organization|Organizations]] > Statuses.:* Contact statuses are accessible from [[Global Settings]] > [[User|Users]] > Statuses.
'''Statuses''' can be created and modified using the '''Settings''' page of your [[UTA]].<br>
* For Level 1 statuses click the '''Statuses''' link in the Level 1 settings section.
* For Level 2 and Level 3 statuses click the '''Statuses''' link in the Level 2 settings section.
::'''Note''''': Level 2 and Level 3 Statuses are both created and managed on the same page.''
::''By default any statuses you create here will be available to both Level 2 and Level 3 records, but can be restricted to either Level 2 or Level 3 using the '''Status Availability''' section (described below).''
* Existing Statuses are listed on the left of the page.
* Details of each status are displayed on the right of the page and new statuses are added to the right of the page.
==Status Settings==
Each status has the following settings:
* '''Name''' - Display name for the '''Status'''.
* '''Display Order''' - The order that statuses are displayed in the '''Status''' combo box.
* '''Description''' - Any comments or notes you wish to include (these don't manifest anywhere except on this page).
* '''Submit Button Status''' - This feature is used to present the user with a '''Submit''' button. You associate an additional status with this submit button. When the [[User|user]] clicks the '''Submit''' button the status of the record is changed to the selected status. This may trigger a [[Workflow|workflow]] or lock the item if the new status has the '''Lock on Status''' enabled. The '''Submit''' button will be displayed if a '''Status''' is selected in this section.
* '''Submit Button Label''' - Defines the label for the '''Submit''' button. If no label is provided the button will say '''Submit'''.
* '''Submitted URL''' - When the '''Submit''' button is pressed at this status, instead of remaining on the view of the current record the user will be redirected to the URL defined in this section. If no URL is entered the current record will stay in view.
* '''Colour Code''' - The colour code used to indicate each status. This colour will be used in the list view and the details view. Click the colour palette button to display a colour picker.
* '''Lock On Status''' - This setting is used to lock the record so that it cannot be changed until it is unlocked.
* '''Is Default Status''' - Determines the default status to be selected when the item is saved or submitted.
* '''Is Copy Status''' (Level 2 & 3 only) -
* '''Display Buttons''' - Controls which buttons are available to the user for a record at this status. (See [[#Button Options|Button Options]] below).
* '''Button Script Function''' (Level 1 only) - Allows you to define a function or script that is called when the '''Submit''' button is clicked. (See [[#Button Options|Button Options]] below).
* '''Roles That Override Lock''' - The specific [[Role|roles]] that can unlock a locked item. If you enable '''Lock on Status''' and do not set a role, then the item cannot be unlocked.
::'''''Note:''' Any [[Role]] with the UTA [[Manager Permission]] will be able to override the '''Lock on Status''' setting, even if not specified here.''
* '''Roles that Can Set This Status''' - The specific [[Role|roles]] that can set the status. If you do not set a role, then any [[User|user]] can set any status.
You ===General Tab===:* '''Status ID''' - Internal unique system ID that can restrict which be used to reference the status.:* '''Name''' - Name for the '''Status'''.:* '''Caption''' - Default [[Caption|display name]] for the status.:* '''Display Order''' - The order that statuses are displayed in the '''Status''' settings and dropdown.:* '''Description''' - Any comments or notes you wish to include. '''Note:''' Description only manifests on the configuration page.:* '''[[Status Group Name]]''' - Used to mask multiple individual statuses within a single overall status. This is only available in UTA Statuses:* '' are 'Tooltip''' - a description to be displayed when the user moves their mouse over the caption (when displayed used the Status Indicator). This is only available on level one statuses.:* '''Color Code''' - The color code used to indicate each Level 1 Templatestatus. This color will be used in the list view and the details view. Click the color palette button to display a colour picker.:* '''Lock On Status''' - This setting is used to lock the record so that it cannot be changed until it is unlocked.:* '''Is Default Status''' - Determines the default status to be selected when a new record is created.:* '''Is Default Copy Status''' (UTA Statuses only) - When the ''Copy'' button is used to create a copy of a UTA record, the new record will have the status that has this setting enabled. If no status is set as '''Is Copy Status''', copied UTA records will have the same status as the original record. See :* '''Exclude from Status Indicator''' - Checking this will exclude this status from the [[Status Indicator]] Level 1 Templates#Associating Templates with Statuses|here]] for detailsStandard field.
==Button Options==
For each status you determine which of the "Save", "Save Draft" and "Save & New" buttons are available to the [[User|user]] with the '''Display Buttons''' setting mentioned above.
===Permissions and Availability Tab=======Role Permissions====:* '''Allow to Set Roles''' - The specific [[Role|roles]] that can set the status. If you do not set a role, then any [[User|user]] can set any status.:* '''Override Lock Roles'''- The specific [[Role|roles]] to which the 'Submit'Lock On Status'' button is setting does not included in the apply. If you enable '''Lock on Status'''and do not set an 'Display Buttons'Override Lock Role,'' optionsthen the item cannot be unlocked. The :*: '''''SubmitNote:''' button Any [[Role]] with the UTA [[Manager Permission]] will be displayed whenever able to override the '''Submit Button Lock on Status''' has been definedsetting, even if not specified here.''
{| border="1"===Availability====|:* '''ButtonAvailable Status'''||'''Description'''|-|Save|* This button validates all fields in the record, ensuring that mandatory fields Only available on User and formatting requirement are satisfiedOrganization statuses.* Clicking the Save button does not change the current status.|-|Save Draft|* Save Draft saves the record, but performs NO validation.* This button should always be used in conjunction with at least the Submit button.|-|Save & New|* The Save & New button validates all fields in the record, saves the item, then displays a new record.|-|Submit|* The Submit button validates all fields in the record, ensuring that mandatory fields and formatting requirement Statuses added here are satisfied.* It saves the record and changes the status available to the status defined in the '''Submit Button Status''' section of the original be selected from this status.:* ''Note that the label 'Enabled on the Submit button can be defined in the Record Types'''Submit Button Label''' section of the - Only available in UTA Statuses. This status page, so may appear with another namewill be available to record types added here.'''''Important:''' If you do not set a '''''Button Script Function''''' has been defined type, then the Submit button status will run that function, and will '''NOT''' perform the tasks listed abovebe available on all record types of this level entity.|}
====Annotation System Role Permissions====
Only available in UTA Statuses. Roles added here will have different levels of access to Annotation Mode in this status.
==Status Triggers==:** '''View Annotation Roles''' - defines the roles that can view annotations that have been added to the object at this status (annotation is only available for UTA objects).:** '''View and Create Annotation Roles''' - defines the roles that can view and create annotations that have been added to the object at this status.:** '''Edit Field in Annotation Mode Roles''' - defines the roles that edit fields that have had annotations attached.:** '''Open Record in Annotation Mode''' - defines the roles that can edit the entire record in annotation mode.
Sometimes you will need to control ==Status History==If the status associated [[Standard_Level_1_Field_List|Status Standard field]] is configured with level 2 [[Track Changes]] enabled then any user with [[Manager Permissions - System Permissions|View Field History Permissions]] will see a small clock and level 3 items based on a status change at refresh icon under the level 1 itemStatus field.
For example, if you have an “abandoned” status for a project tracking UTA and you set a project to that status then you may need to set an “abandoned” status for all level 2 (or level 3 items) related to that project. This effect is achieved through a '''status trigger'''.
For each level one status change you can control status changed for all level 2 and level 3 items. You can further control this behavior by restricting When they click on the trigger to specific types History icon then they will see a breakdown of level 2 and level 3 items. Using the previous example you may not wish to change history plus a bar chart showing the amount of time spent in each status on . The duration (in days) can be included when building a “reporting” type level 2 activity simply because report by including data from the project is abandoned"Standard Field Audit Log" dataset.
1. Click the '''Negotiation Status''' link[[Image:StatusFieldHistory.png|800px|border]]
[[Image:Uta63==Status Translation Settings==Specify a status Caption and Group Name for each desired language.png]]
2:* When editing a status, select the '''Status Translation Settings''' button from the top of the window. Click :* Select the language from the '''Status TriggerLanguage''' drop-down list.[[Image:StatusTranslationSettings.png|600px]]:* Enter the desired '''Caption''' translation and '''Group Name''' and click '''Save''' tab.:* The relevant language caption will be displayed to users based on the language specified in their [[Personal Settings]].
The ==See Also==:** [[Status Trigger page is displayed.lock|Status Lock]]:** [[Submit Logic]]:** [[Batch Update]]:** [[Level 1 Templates]]:** [[Status Indicator]]
* '''Level 2 Triggers''' are created in the top section of the page; level 2 triggers are added in the second trigger.
* The '''level 2 Type''' is selected in the first combo box.
* The current level 2 status is selected in the second combo box.
* The new status is selected in the '''Set Status To''' combo box.
* The '''Add Trigger''' button is used to add the new trigger to the trigger list.
Any number of triggers can be created for level 2 and level 3.
{| style="background-color: #f0f0f0; border-style: solid; border-width: 2px;" cellpadding=See Also="5"|-||[[Image:Previous.png|link=Status Field Permissions]] &nbsp;[[Status Field Permissions]]||&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;* ||[[Batch UpdateLevel 1 Templates]]* &nbsp;[[Image:Next.png|link=Level 1 Templates]]|}
[[Category:Universal Tracking Application]][[Category:Glossary]][[Category:Process Flow]]

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