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Custom Lookup Options

2 bytes removed, 18:59, 30 June 2021
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====Configuring the Child Dropdown====
# Create a custom field of type '''Select One - Dropdown List''' and set the '''Parent Field''' to the parent dropdown list created above.
# Toggle on '''Enable Dynamic Content'''
# You should now see a new toggle called '''Use Custom Lookup Options'''. Toggle this on.
# You should now see additional settings for the custom lookup. Under the '''Lookup Name''' dropdown, select the custom lookup you want to reference. Under '''Option Text Identifier''', type the name of the lookup column whose values you want to populate in the dropdown. In our example, we want to expose the available course names in the dropdown so we will type the name of the column that contains that information: "Course".
====End Result====
The available options within the child dropdown should now change depending on the selections made in the parent dropdown. In our example, changing the university in the parent dropdown will change the available courses we can select in the child dropdown.

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