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Custom Lookup Options

239 bytes added, 20:31, 23 June 2021
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=Configuration - Advanced=
===Setting up Dynamic Dropdown Lists===
Custom lookups can be incorporated into dynamic dropdown lists using the parent and child relationship between data. After uploading a CSV for your custom data, you can set up a series of parent and child dropdown lists that can further filter user options based on previous selections.
====Parent Dropdowns====
====Child Dropdowns====
To set up a child dropdown list, create a custom field of type '''Select One - Dropdown List''' and set the '''Parent Field''' to the parent dropdown list created above. Toggle on '''Enable Dynamic Content'''. This will expose the toggle '''Use Custom Lookup Options'''. When you toggle this on, you see additional settings to specify the lookup. Under '''Lookup Name''', select the desired custom lookup you imported. Under '''Option Text Identifier''', type the name of the column whose data you want to display in the child dropdown. In this example, we want to show the course name.

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