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2,645 bytes added, 16:44, 19 November 2020
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Watch this video to get a general overview of the new features in this release.
''To watch this video in full screen, please click on the '''full screen''' button on the bottom right.''
====Deprecation of Google Drive Integration====
Deprecated the option to enable Google Drive lookups when uploading to a file upload area. The '''Global Settings ''' option '''Enable Google Drive Lookup ''' for File Fields will be automatically disabled and then deprecated with this upgrade.
<!--116829 - deprecate google drive integration-->
====Updated Retention Period for Log Data====
Updated the retention period for log and history data to a 2 year length. Previously, different logs were retained for varying time frames, but we've standardized these all to a time frame of two years now. This relates to log data such logs as user sessions, message queue, workflow history, record of field value changes, system configuration changes, API calls.
<!--87147 - Clear Workflow History-->
====Enhanced Geomapping Functions for List Views====
Enhanced geomapping functionality for list views. Please note that these changes will be reflected in currently existing list views that have the map panel option enabled. The default size of the map has been slightly reduced, but can be enlarged to fit the screen. The search functions that were previously embedded within the map have been moved out next to the regular list view search panel for the added convenience of being able to combine both search functions now. Proximity searching is now enabled by default for any list view that has enabled the map panel functionality. This allows users to filter records based on both custom search criteria, as well as proximity-based searching. The geographical locations to be used for the distance calculations are variable and can be specified to be the owner of a UTA Level 1 record, or the associationed associated organization, or even a UTA Level 2 address record of the Level 1. The look and feel, and interactions between the list view records and the map panel have also been improved for a more intuitive interaction.
<!--97127 - proximity list view phase 2 ( map ) geocoding-->
<!--84220 - Play video inline inside media library portal sections-->
[[File:2020-11-ticket-84220-1.png|thumb|none|800px|Play Portal videos can be played inline inside your portals and optionally open videos full screen opened in fullscreen without opening a modal window.]]
===Minor Updates===
Minor visual changes were made to the '''Back''' button, which will now appear with less opacity when you first log in with no session history. In addition, the '''Previous''' and '''Next''' buttons found on list views will also have less opacity when you are on the first or last page on the list.
<!--111032 - Change button visual when not clickable-->
[[File:2020-11-ticket-111032-1.png|thumb|none|800px|Buttons will display with less opacity when you cannot interact with them.]]
====New Global Session Timeout Enforced====
====Added Options for Notification Broadcasts====
Enhanced the '''Notification Broadcast ''' feature with more granular features for targeting users and customization of message icon. A new option has been added for restricting messages from being sent to users in specified user roles. Also, notification messages were previously all displayed with a wrench icon indicating a system or maintenance message. As we've seen more expanded and creative use of these notification messages, you can now choose different icons for them to better indicate the type of message that is being delivered.
<!--86840 - Notification broadcast icon and type-->
<!--87150 - Deny Role for Notification Broadcasts-->
==On-Demand System Upgrades==
The following features are available immediately with the application of the upgrade, but must first be enabled or configured by a System '''Global Administrator''':
===Major Updates===
====New Banner Section Type Available for Portal Configuration====
New '''Banner''' section type available for portal configuration, Banner section, to easily configure banner areas in your portal. This allows you to very quickly and easily create great looking banner sections within your user portals. There are 4 layouts to choose from that will affect the alignment of text and link buttons. These banner sections can display a background image, some informational text, and configurable buttons or links to other areas of the system.
<!--113631 - more website theme templates for portals-->
====Added Permission Setting for Manual Password Updates====
Added setting to allow specified user roles the ability to manually set a password for other users. Previously, this ability was limited to '''Global Administrator ''' users but you can now set which users can do this similar to the send password functionality. You can find this setting within the permissions '''Permissions''' tab of the user roles configuration screen.
<!--111731 - Set Password Option for certain roles-->
====New Custom Field Type Display - Countdown Timer====
New custom field type '''Display - Countdown Timer ''' available. This field will display a visual countdown on the user's screen as the time nears the date/time in a defined date/time field. This field can be configured to display a custom message during this countdown, as well as after the countdown has been completed. This field can be used to warn users of immediate deadlines approaching, and improve submission rates at time of deadline.
<!--73341 -Timer on ActionDate-->
====Added Option to Limit Availability of Provider/Consumer Lists====
Enhanced Provider/Consumer list views with additional configuration options to limit the availability of consumer list views to specific provider types. You can now restrict the availability and thus visibility of a consumer list view to a set of provider type records. This allows you more granular control and improved user experience in working with assocations associations of records between different UTAs.
<!--107191 - Type Permission on Consumer/Provider List Views-->
====Extended Special - Linked Record List Custom Field Type to Organizations and Users====
Extended the '''Special - Linked Record List ''' custom field type to be available for Organization and User records now. You can now create this field type for Organizations and Users, in order to display associated UTA records for an Organization or User.
<!--94789 - Special Linked Record List - Expand to Org/Contact Profiles Display-->
<!--117344 - hashtag feature-->
[[File:2020-11-ticket-117344-1.png|thumb|none|800px|Easily search and classify records using hashtags.]] ====Enhanced ORCID Integration Experience ====Researchers, scientists, and academic professionals with ORCID accounts can more easily import their ORCID data. Information from your ORCID account such as grants, awards, and annual funding can be seen in an improved overview on your profile. The improved ORCID process can be enabled by using the new ORCID User Standard Field found under '''Global Settings''' > '''Users''' tab > '''Standard Fields'''. To import data, users can simply navigate to the ORCID tab on their profile’s left navigation and follow the onscreen directions to start the import process.
<!--117794 - Improved ORCID Profile Import Experience-->
[[File:2020-11-ticket-117794-1.png|thumb|none|800px|The new ORCID tab and message seen on your profile before you import your data.]]
[[File:2020-11-ticket-117794-2.png|thumb|none|800px|The enhanced ORCID summary seen on your profile after you import your data.]]
====New Option for Limited Custom Fields to Enforce Unique Values====
New option for '''Text Box - Single Line ''' and '''Number ''' custom field types to enforce unique values across records. Within the configuration of these custom field types, there is a new option within the validation section that will enforce unique values for this custom field upon saving of a record.
<!--91772 - Duplicate check on Text Box field-->
====New Display Options for Portal Shortcuts====
New display options available for portal shortcuts linked to list views. When configuring a portal shortcut of list view typewith an icon or image, there's a new option to show the count of the records returned by the list view. In addition, there's is now a new setting to allow that allows you to enter instructions or display text for a on the list view once the shortcutis clicked.
<!--93214 - add count option to image and icon shortcuts with an underlying list view-->
<!--108449 - Shortcut list view instructions-->
Updated the Autoloader import feature with ability to skip update of matched records. Previously, the only options for Autoloader behaviour were to either update matched records and create new, or to only update matched records and not create new. You may now configure an Autoloader to only import new records and skip update of existing matched records.
<!--87721 - Autoloader - Skip Duplicate-->
====New List View Option for Images using Card Style====
We've added a new option for lists views that lets you determine how images render in the card view. By default, images in card view styles fill the entire frame and will be cropped. This default setting is recommended for photographs of people and landscapes. If you are uploading graphics, logos, or images where you would not want these items to be cropped, then toggle on '''Fit Image to Frame''', which is found on the list view configuration screen under the '''Display''' heading.
<!--117171 - Grid List View Display Issues-->
[[File:2020-11-ticket-117171-1.jpg|thumb|none|800px|Images using card style are cropped by default so the image fills the available space. This is best for photographs of people and landscapes.]]
[[File:2020-11-ticket-117171-2.jpg|thumb|none|800px|Images using card style with the new '''Fit Image to Frame''' setting toggled on will not be cropped. This is best for graphics and logos.]]
==Beta Previews==
==Notes for Admins==
====Added Change Log History for Workflow Configuration====
Added change history logs for Worfklow configuration. Changes to Workflows, Tasks, and Connectors will now be logged, and visible via a change history icon when configuring each of these areas. Please note that workflow history records older than 2 years will now be deleted to improve system performance.<!--89641 - Changelog for Workflows& 87147 - Clear Workflow History-->
====Added Support for use of Dynamic Criteria with Report Caching====
<!--114589 - Consider dynamic parameter in Report Cache-->
====Updated System Design Summary Document to Include IDs of Configuration Settings====Updated the '''System Design Summary ''' document to also list the unique identifier for each of the configurations. Previously, this document output only included the names of each of the settings configured, but will now also include the IDs of each of these settings.
<!--89681 - include ids in system design summary-->
<!--89276 - Translate Batch Button-->
====New Warnings on Custom Field Configuration Page Regarding use of HTML Style TagsTranslations Available====New translations are available for '''Global Administrators''' in Japanese (日本語), Catalan (Català), and Irish (Gaeilge). ====Accessibility Improvements===='''Accessibility Mode''' has been enhanced for greater keyboard accessibility. New warnings have been added to the custom field configuration screen that will alert admins when a custom field has been configured with deprecated HTML styling tagsmarkup that is not recommended. These alerts are meant to inform admins We encourage the use of inoptimal configurations of custom fields with respect semantic tags (''strong'' and ''em'') rather than ''b'' and ''i'' tags to HTML style tags that do not follow current accessibility standardsensure a more accessible experience.
<!--93961 - A11Y check for b and u and I tags on custom fields on save-->
====Updated Archive Schedule with Ability to Upload to SFTP Site====
Updated the '''Archive Schedule ''' data backup feature with ability to upload data to an external SFTP site.
<!--115538 - Enhancements to the archive Process-->
====Enhanced Primary Authentication Controller with Ability to Restrict by Role====
Enhanced the [[Primary Authentication Controller |'''Primary Authentication Controller''']] feature with the ability to limit the access to individual authentication links to other instances based upon user role. This will allow you to more granularly control the access to specific authentication links, and thus other instances.
<!--86335 - PAC access Role Base-->
====End of Support for Internet Explorer 11====
Microsoft's support for Internet Explorer will end November 2020. We recommend using [[Browser|the latest browser versions]] of Chrome, Firefox or Safari for the best platform experience.
Smartstaff, administrator

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