
Using Discussion Groups

310 bytes removed, 01:16, 9 September 2020
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The discussion groups feature provides the ability to facilitate discussion groups.
* You can create any number of discussions discussion groups.
* You can '''Internet enable''' a discussion group, connect to your web site, and the public can participate in the discussion.
* Multiple discussions can be combined into a single discussion view.
* When a new discussion item is added, it is flagged with the “new” flag for all [[User|users]]. Once a specific [[User|user]] has reviewed the item the flag is removed for that [[User|user]].
* You must be in a [[Role|role]] associated with the [[Manager_Permissions#Manager_Permissions_Available|'''Manager Permission''' - '''Create Discussion Groups''' ]] in order to add discussion groups.
=Discussion List=
1. Click the '''Communications''', '''Discussions''' [[Menu|menu]].
2. Click the '''New Discussion''' tab.
The '''New Discussion''' window is displayed.
* '''Read access roles''' - List of [[Role|roles]] that are allowed to read the contents of the discussion.
* '''Write access roles''' - List of [[Role|roles]] that are allowed to add new entries to the discussion, or edit existing entries.
* '''Discussion Template''' - This option is only displayed if you '''Internet Enable''' the calendar. Any HTML formatting code you wish to associate with an Internet calendar.
3. Enter the required details.
=Discussions Sharing Rules=
The rules about sharing discussions are exactly the same as sharing calendars.
If you do not share the discussion then you will be the only person that can access the discussion.
* If you share the discussion with “Everyone”, then everyone inside and outside the organisation can participate in the discussion.
=Sharing Discussions using Organisations=
* If you share the discussion with specific organisations, then only those organisations can see the discussion.
* Setting the security to '''Read access''' allows the organisation to '''read''' the discussion.
=Sharing Discussions using Roles=
* If you share the discussion with specific [[Role|roles]], then only those [[Role|roles]] can see the discussion.
* Setting the security to '''Read access''' allows the [[Role|roles]] to '''read''' the discussion
=Viewing a Discussion=
* The hyperlink in the name column allows the discussion to be selected for display or editing.
3. There is also a New Topic button at the top of the screen to allow users to create new topics.
=Viewing a Topicand Posts=* Once in the Topic list view then there should be a hyperlink in the Topic column. Clicking this allows the topic to be selected for display or editing.
* The hyperlink in 1. Click the '''Topic''' name column allows the topic to be selected for display or editing.
1. Click the '''Topic''' name.
2. Any posts associated with that Discussion Topic will be listed.
3. There is also a New Posts button at the top of the screen to allow users to create new posts.
=Entering a Discussion Topic=
The New Topic window that appears allows you to complete:
The New Topic window allows you to complete:
* A '''subject''' field.
* A '''description''' or '''body''' field used to store the actual topic details.
You can only create topics to discussions where you have write access/permission.
1. Click the '''New Topic''' buttonfrom within the Topic list view.
The '''New Topic''' window is displayed.
The new topic is added.
=Entering a Discussion Post=
The discussion post window allows you to complete:
* A '''subject''' field.
* A '''description''' or '''body''' field used to store the actual post details.
* The '''Send''' button used to save the discussion entry.
If multiple discussions were selected, you can choose which discussion to associate with this post.
You can only post to discussions where you have write access/permission.
1. Click the '''New Post''' button.
The '''New Post''' window is displayed.
2. Enter the '''Subject'''.
3. Enter the '''Body'''.
4. Click the '''Save''' button.
The new post is added.
=Entering in a New Discussion Response=
The Post Reply window allows you to complete:
Replies to posts are displayed below the original post. 1. Click the '''Topic''' of the '''existing''' post. 2. Click the '''Post Reply''' buttonfrom within the list of posts for a specific topic.
The reply window is displayed.
The new reply is added.
5. The posts can be sorted by clicking on the '''Newest to Oldest''' or '''Oldest to Newest''' button. The buttons are interchangeable depending on the current order in which the posts are sorted.
'''Very important tip!''' - If you don’t permission a [[Role|role]] to see the discussion [[Menu|menu]], then they will not be able to see the discussions even if you give them access.
[[Category:System Management]][[Category:Communications]]
Smartstaff, administrator