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543 bytes added, 16:02, 20 August 2020
8. Aesthetic and Minimalist Design
===8. Aesthetic and Minimalist Design===
 Every piece of information you put on a page competes with the relevant information, and diminishes the relative visibility (more content makes the UX worse). When we talk about signal to noise, Google is almost all signal whereas this weather site is nearly all noise. So, ask yourself, is everything on the page absolutely needed to help the user achieve their goals? If not consider removing or simplifying things. [[File:Usability-signal-noise.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Google and Weather site demonstrating signal to noise.]] Make sure what the user came to see or do is visible and clear, and eliminate anything that may distract them.Ask yourself: is it clear what I am supposed to do and is there anything distracting me from completing my task?
You can meet these criteria by:
* Keeping important information above the fold (initial viewable area)
* Minimizing signal-to-noise ratio
* Being judicious with colorand imagery
* Removing redundant information (keep it concise)
Smartstaff, administrator

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