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Configuration mode

2,980 bytes added, 18:17, 27 November 2019
==Overview=='''Configuration Mode ''' is an option available to all [[Global User Administrator|Administrators ]] within the system to provide . Configuration Mode provides an easier mechanism for accessing and editing fields. Admins will no longer have to try to trace can access the field to modify its configurationfrom within a record.
If an Administrator accesses a record in Edit mode then there will a '''Configuration Mode''' icon at the top of the page.::Users without an [[Image:ConfigMode1.pngGlobal User Administrator|border|400pxAdministrator]] role are unable to use Configuration Mode.
If the Administrator clicks on this then there will be ==Configuration Checklist==The following checklist defines a small tab at the top sequence that you should consider when setting up your copy of the page to indicate they are in '''Configuration Mode'''.::[[Image:ConfigMode2.png|border|400pxSmartSimple]]prior to giving people access to the system:
Then when * Configure Organization Settings - set [[Branding#Colors_.26_Styles|colour scheme]], [[License Definition|licensing]], [[Backup Server and Testing Instances|backup]] and [[Organization Terminology|terminology]].* If required, define the [[Custom Fields|custom fields]] required for organisations – add the fields you scroll over need to accurately reflect your business.* Create or upload organization information for both [[Internal|internal]] and [[External|external]] organizations – add organization information to the system.* Define [[Role|roles]] for people – add the [[Role|roles]] people play in the business to accurately reflect your business.* Define any [[Custom Fields|custom fields on ]] for [[Role|roles]] – add the record then they will be highlighted and can be clicked onfields you need to accurately reflect the [[Role|roles]] people play in business. ::* Define or upload "people" - [[Image:ConfigMode3Internal|internal]] or [[External|external]] organizations – add people to the system.png* Subscribe to [[SmartSimple]] [[Applications|borderapplications]] – determine the applications required by each group of people.* Give Manager Permission to specific [[Role|800pxroles]]– determine which groups of people are responsible for each application and feature.
When clicked a modal widow opens with the configuration page for that field. :[[Category:Global Settings]][[ImageCategory:ConfigMode4.png|border|800pxSystem Management]]
==Using Configuration Mode==
To get into Configuration Mode, the Administrator must first be in '''Edit Mode. '''
1. After accessing any record, there will be an '''Edit '''button that takes you into '''Edit Mode.'''
:: [[File:EditButton.png|200px|border]]
2. Select the '''Options '''button, which will produce a drop-down menu. 
3. Under '''Settings, '''select '''Configuration Mode. '''
:: [[File:ConfigurationMode.png|200px|border]]
There will be a small tab at the top of the page to indicate you are in '''Configuration Mode''', with a Refresh and Close icon.
:: [[Image:ConfigMode2.png|250px|border]]
Then, when you scroll over the fields on the record, they will be highlighted and can be clicked on.
:: [[Image:ConfigMode3.png|800px|border]]
When a field is clicked, a modal window opens with the configuration page for that field. Changes can be made and saved, and will appear against the field once the page has been refreshed.
:: [[Image:ConfigMode4.png|800px|border]]
==Configuration Shortcuts / Syntax Checker==
When the '''Configuration Mode''' icon is clicked in Edit mode, the '''Configuration Shortcuts''' section also appears on the right side of the screen.
:: [[Image:ConfigShortcut.png|200px|border]]
It includes links to many of the General Settings specific to the entity you are currently accessing.
It also includes a link to the '''Syntax Checker'''. This feature allows administrators to test [[Variables]] syntax and [[Template / Type Formula|Type Formulas]] against actual records.
:: [[Image:Syntax Checker.png|550px|border]]
:* Click on the link to the '''Syntax Checker'''.
:* Enter variable syntax in the panel on the left hand side of the '''Syntax Checker Tool''' page.
:*:* '''NOTE:''' Press "Tab" key to see available keywords
:* Press "Process Variables" button.
:* Results appear in the grey panel on the right hand side of the '''Syntax Checker Tool''' page.
==See Also==
* [[Configuring a SmartSimple Instance]]
* [[Custom fields]]
[[Category:Custom Fields]] [[Category:Standard Fields]] [[Category:Universal Tracking Application]][[Category:UTA Settings]]
Smartstaff, administrator

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