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Built-in Code Sets

5,955 bytes added, 14:21, 29 August 2019
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The [[SmartSimple]] platform comes with built-in code sets to help streamline the user's ease of look-up, identification, and categorization of ability to categorize various items specific to the purpose of their [[instance]], dependent on the vertical market they belong to or the usage or their platform. The three main built-in code sets include '''MeSH, NAICS''' and '''ICD'''.
Each To enable these code set corresponds to the categorization of a specific ''type'' of item that is beneficial to differing clients depending on which vertical market they belong tosets as [[Custom Field]] options, you will need [[Global User Administrator]] access. 
=Description of Code Sets=
'''MeSH''' includes the list of medical terms used by the the [ National Library of Medicine ] (NLM) for its computerized system of storage and retrieval of published medical reports.
As a comprehensive controlled vocabulary, '''MeSH''' serves as a thesaurus that facilitates searching within the medical research market.
* the classification of specific details within medical research 
''Ex: Neuroimagery, animals, depression''
The '''ICD''' code set, currently on its 10th revision, is a a [ medical classification list ] by the World Health Organization (WHO).
It contains codes for diseases, signs and symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances and external causes of injury and diseases.
'''[ NAICS''' is an industry classification system ] was developed as the standard for use by the statistical agencies of Canada, MexicoUS, Canadian and Mexican agencies in classifying business establishments for the United Statescollection, created against the background of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). '''NAICS''' is designed to provide common definitions of the industrial structure of the three countries - it encompasses all economic activitiesanalysis, and is designed for the classification publication of statistical data relating related to industry establishmentsthe business economy.
||[[Custom Field Type: Lookup – NAIC Codes]]
Each field has a ''lookup ''function that facilitates the ease of finding the desired codes.When setting the field, the user is able to search for specific codes either by writing a description of the categorization, or by the numerical code. A list of matching items will appear and the user can choose the appropriate option from the list. 
[[Image:Cf_icd_ex1.png|thumb|none|570px|Lookup - ICD Code field, in Edit Mode]]
[[Image:Cf_icd_ex2.png|thumb|none|400px|Lookup - ICD Code field, in View Mode]]
==Enabling as Custom Field==
These built-in code sets must first be enabled in order to utilize them as look up options in your system.
<pre> You will need SysAdmin access to enable any of these code sets as Custom Fields. </pre>
1. Click on the 9-square menu icon on the top right of your page.
2. Under the heading '''Configuration, '''select '''Global Settings.'''
:: [[File:082719_sysadmin_globalsettings.png|thumb|none|400px]]
3. Click on the '''Organizations '''tab.
4. Under '''General Settings, '''select '''Custom Fields.'''
:: [[File:082719_customfields.png|thumb|none|500px]]
5. Click on the '''+ '''icon in the top right to create a new custom field.
:: [[File:New field button.png|thumb|none|80px|border]]
The '''New Custom Field '''page will be displayed.
6. Click into the '''Field Type '''box and scroll down until the heading '''Special Input Types.'''
:: [[File:082719 special codesets types.png|thumb|none|400px|border]] 
The three built-in code sets will be available to choose.
7. Select which '''Custom Field Type '''you want, fill in the remainder of the fields, and click the '''Save''' button.
For more information about filling out the fields for a new custom field, see our [[Custom Fields – General Information#Common Custom Field Functions|Custom Fields General Settings]] article.
<pre> These built-in code sets can also be enabled as custom fields through the same process on specific UTAs. </pre>
==Choosing the Region of NAIC Codes==
The '''NAIC '''codes will show up as a '''[[Standard Organizational Field]] '''for a company. When you enable '''NAIC '''codes as a field, you have the option to choose the region of the code: 
:: [[File:Naic region options.png|500px|border]]
{| class="wikitable"
||'''NAIC Region'''
||Enabling this region will allow users to select the NAIC codes related to businesses in the United States. 
||Canada NAIC, English
||Enabling this region will allow users to select the NAIC codes in English related to Canadian businesses.
||Canada NAIC, French
||Enabling this region will allow users to select the NAIC codes in French related to Canadian businesses. 
||European NACE
NACE is the acronym used to designate the various statistical classifications of economic activities developed since 1970 in the European Union.
Enabling this region will allow users to select the NACE codes related to European businesses. 
Choose the region that the [[Organization|organizations]] of your [[instance]] will require. 
=Configuration - Advanced=
==Using the Custom Field Import Wizard==
You are able to use the custom field '''Import '''and '''Export '''features to move or copy custom fields from one [[entity]] to another (or even another [[instance]] of SmartSimple). The custom fields are exported and imported by using [[XML]] (Extensible Markup Language) format.
As the [[Custom field ID|custom field ID]] is unique to each custom field in the system, the custom field IDs will not be copied when importing. Any newly created custom fields using the Export/Import feature will be assigned new custom field IDs. 
Use the following IDs for the built-in code sets when trying to create a custom field for that type: 
{| class="wikitable"
||'''Custom Field Type Name'''
||'''Custom Field Type ID'''
||Lookup - MeSH Codes
||Lookup - ICD Codes
||Lookup - NAIC Codes
For more specific information and instructions about importing or exporting the custom fields of these built-in code sets, see [[Custom Fields – General Information#Import and Export Custom Fields|our custom field import/export]] article and the [[Custom Field Import Wizard]] article. 
==Enabling KML on ICD and NAIC Custom Field==
'''KML '''(Keyhole Markup Language) is a file format used to display geographic data in Earth browsers such as Google Earth, Google Maps, and Google Maps for mobile. Using a tag-based structure with nested elements sand attributes, and based on [[XML]] standard, '''KML '''allows the visual mapping of field information in your platform. 
Currently, KML can be enabled on both the '''Lookup - NAIC Codes '''and the '''Lookup - ICD Code '''custom fields. 
In order to do so, follow these steps: 
1. Click on the 9-square menu icon on the top right of your page.
:: {{Icon-Menu}} 
2. Click '''[[Global Settings]]. '''
3. Select '''Custom Fields '''under the first '''System '''tab. 
4. Edit the custom field (either '''NAIC '''or '''ICD''') that you want to enable KML on. 
5. Under '''General Options, '''select the '''Enable KML '''option.
:: [[File:EnableKML.png|120px|border]] 
6. Click '''Save.'''
Fields that contain '''SmartSimple KML Variables '''will display as a '''View Map '''button in [[View Mode]]: 
{| class="wikitable"
! align="center"|[[Image:KMLFieldEditMode.png|link=|300px]]
!|Field in Edit Mode
!|'''Field in View Mode'''
For more information about KML, as well as various methods of enabling KML into your SmartSimple [[instance]], please see the [[KML]] Wiki article.
The article should probably also reference the use of ==Display Code Description with System Variables as ==For these built-in code sets, the field stores the source of custom codesactual ICD, MeSH, or NAIC code (i.e. ''G44.0''). In order to display the ''description ''associated with a specific code (such as ''Cluster Head Syndrome ''for the limitation that these ICD code), you can only be presented though standard use the following syntax in a [[Read Only - System Variables]] custom field types., [[Web Page View]], or wherever else the use of system variables is appropriate: 
<pre> @fieldname.value@</pre>Where ''Must enable NAIC Codes fieldname ''thru is the ''Global Settings 'name 'page''of the '''Lookup - ICD Code '''custom field
- you are able to set two codes for each organisation --> a primary and a secondary code =See Also=* [[System Variables]]* [[:Category:Custom Fields]]* [[XML]]* [[KML]]
- it is a '''Standard Organisation Field '''[[Category:Custom Fields]]

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