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Login Page

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Login Screen Content - General
||'''Link Section'''
Typically people are given the ability to self-register and gain access to your system. You have 3 options in this regard.
'''None''' – You provide no links to a signup page. Users cannot self-register and must be created and activated in your system via a different methodology, such as auto loading, importing or manual creation by internal staff.
'''Use Routing page''' – When you have multiple signup pages for different types of users, organizations and languages, this option is used. It will display a list of signup pages so the user can be directed to the signup page that is right for them. Learn more about [[Signup_Page#Creating_a_routing_page|routing pages]]
||'''Link Section Title'''
||Add a title that will go Text entered here appears above the link from the '''Link Sectionregister buttons. '''For example, if you used a [[Signup Page#Creating a routing page|signup routing page]], which Typically this is a page that directs new users to the appropriate [[Signup Page]], your title for that link section could be, "''New to the System''?" not modified.
Smartstaff, administrator

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