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Configuring List Views

2,363 bytes removed, 18:29, 7 June 2019
{{ListViewHeader}} ==Defining a List View==There are two types of List Views: System Views and Personal Views.<br>[[File:Newlistviews.PNG|link=|300px]]* ''System Views'' belong to a specific #REDIRECT [[role]]. All users in that role will have the option to select this List View. <!--There can only be one System View assigned to each role. [CHANGED PER TICKET 18863 - List View Enhancements WITH MARCH 14, 2013 UPGRADE]--> Multiple System Views can be defined for each role. * ''Personal Views'' are only visible to the user who creates them. Multiple Personal Views can be defined for each user. ===System Views=== * When you click on the "New" button in the System View section, you will be prompted to select the role to which the System View pertains. * Select the appropriate role, enter a name for the list view and click "OK."* You will now see four tabs in the right-hand frame: Properties, Columns, Sort Order and Export. ===Personal Views=== * When you click on the "New" button in the Personal View section, the only difference from System Views will be that you will not have the option to select a role. * Enter a name for the list view and click "OK."* You will now see four tabs in the right-hand frame: Properties, Columns, Sort Order and Export.   ==The Properties Tab==[[Image:Listviewspropertiestab.PNG|link=]]* '''View Name''' - The name of the list view is editable. Give your list view a distinctive name.* '''Display Order''' - Enter a [[display order]]. This will define which list view will be the default for users who possess multiple roles. Overview#Configuring List views with lower [[display order]]s will be displayed before those with higher display orders.* '''Open Button Label''' - The default value for the "Open Button Label" is "Open." Changing this value will change the caption on the button used to access a specific record in the list view.* '''Role''' - The [[Role]] dropdown will be available only for System Views (see above). The list view can be made available for all roles by selecting "All."* '''Other Options''' - Checking the "Open in edit mode" option will mean that when records are opened, they will default to edit mode as opposed to view mode. ==The Columns Tab==The Columns tab is where the [[standard fields|standard]] and [[custom fields]] that you want to be displayed in your list view are defined.<BR>[[Image:Listviewblankcolumns.PNG|500px]] {{ListViewFooter}}

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