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Administrator Interface

18 bytes added, 19:20, 31 May 2019
Organization Menu
* [[People]] – displays all of the individuals in your copy of SmartSimple. You may search through both [[internal]] and [[external]] contacts and [[users]].
* [[Organizations]] – displays all of the organizations in your copy of SmartSimple. You may search through both [[internal]] and [[external]] organizations. 
* [[Organization hierarchy]] – displays a comprehensive tree view of the organizations and people in your copy of SmartSimple. The first tab will display the [[Internal]] contacts, meaning the offices and people working within your organization. The second tab will display the [[External]] contacts, meaning the offices and people that do not work within your organization. Because the [[{{GUA}}Global User Administrator|System Administrator]] can change the [[organization terminology|terminology]] used in SmartSimple, the names of these tabs will vary.
===Configuration Menu===

Navigation menu