
Accessing the HCAI Settings Page

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Once enabled, the HCAI integration features are accessed through the '''Application Settings''' page.
1. Click the '''Settings''' tab.
2. Click the '''HCAI Settings''' link.
This page is divided into four sections:
* '''HCAI Access Settings''' – this section is used to enter your organisation's '''Registered Facility ID''', '''Practice Management Integration''' [[Username|username]] and [[Password|password]]. This information is supplied by HCAI when you register with HCAI.
** '''Customfield Name for HCAI response Status (Invoice or generic level 2 field)''' - saves adjuster's response (example: "Doc#:11062309999,Approved (2011-06-23 01:54)") to specified custom field
** '''Customfield Name for HCAI submission Status (Invoice or generic level 2 field)''' - saves HCAI submission status (example: "Successful Response from HCAI") to specified custom field
** '''Customfield Name for HCAI document number (Invoice or generic level 2 field)''' - saves document ID (example: "11062309999") to specified custom field
'''The above three custom fields can be created either as invoice custom fields or on the level 2. The syntax is <i>''customfieldname</i> '' without the surrounding "@" signs.'''
** '''HCAI Response Acknowledgement Email ( @response@ )''' - entering @response@ into this field will automatically send an email to the individual who submitted the form to HCAI that contains the HCAI Submission Status.
* '''OCF Form Settings''' – this section is used to configure the '''Auto Insurance Claims Forms''' ('''OCF Forms''') supported by [[SmartSimple]]. The forms available in this section may change from time to time as new forms are added to the system.* '''Claimant Settings''' – this section is used to configure the '''Claimant Activation''' form and provide for a bulk upload of claimant information. This feature is only required if you are going to use [[SmartSimple]] to create claimants in the HCAI system.
* '''HCAI Help''' – this section provides links to the HCAI website and the [[SmartSimple]] wiki articles related to HCAI integration.
You must explicitly request a PMS integration [[Username|username]] and [[Password|password]] when registering with HCAI.
[[Category:System Management]][[Category:HCAI]][[Category:View It]] 