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Database Field Names

52 bytes added, 14:01, 24 April 2019
No summary
The following lists the database field names associated with [[Standard Fields]].
These are required if updating the database directly (clients with dedicated servers only)<br/>
or for [[Pandora]].
* '''ustatusid''': Status ID
* '''isexternal''': Flag (1=external, 0=internal)
* '''companyid''': ID of user's company. 0 if empty.
==Job Costing fields for users==
* '''isresource''':
* '''costunit''': ID number of cost unit combo-box option.
* '''rmargin''': Margin field of user/resource.
* '''eventtype''': ID of level 2/3 type.
* '''typename''': Level 2 type name.
* '''objecttype''': Parent [[object type]] (23=parent object is level 1. 8=parent object is level 2.) <span style="font -size="1: xx-small;">''*Note: although 18 is the Level 2 Type object type, 8 should be used here.''</fontspan>
* '''objectid''': Parent object ID.
* '''assigned''': Comma delimited list of user IDs in assigned standard field.
* cevconoppid: Level 1 id (regardless of whether the Level 1 is the consumer or the provider)
* cevprovevtid: Level 2 id (regardless of whether the Level 2 is the consumer or the provider)

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