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Creating SmartConnect Functions

939 bytes added, 19:38, 23 January 2019
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No parameters are needed to retrieve metadata.
====Get Metadata from Contacts====
<!--63342 - SmartConnect API - metadata option to include Orgs/Contacts-->
'''Field List'''  - contacts.*<br />
No parameters are needed to retrieve metadata.
This function will retrieve a list of records from the selected '''Object Type'''. Records will include all fields from the '''Field  Custom parameters for List'''  Functions are: * criteria - this is an optional json array. This contains the following nodes: "andor", "field", "operator" and can be filtered using "value" : Values of each nodes:: "andor" - either "and" or "or": "field" - name of the standard/custom field to set the parameter '''criteria''' and condition to: "operator" - can also be sorted out using use the parameter '''sortby'''. If following: =,>,>=,<=,<,<>,!=,like,not like: "value" - value for the custom filter: sample1: [{"andor":"and","field":"FIELDNAME","operator":"like","value":"PATTERN"}]: sample2: [{"andor":"and","field has a predefined options":"FIELDNAME1", use '''getstorevalue'''  to show either the display "operator":"=","value (getstorevalue":"100"},{"andor": 0)  "or to show ","field":"FIELDNAME2","operator":"like","value":"PATTERN"}]* sortby - this is an optional json array. This contains the stored value (getstorevaluefollowing nodes: 1)."field" and "direction"
: "field" - name of the standard/custom field to sort records by: "direction" - either "asc" (for ascending) or "desc" (for descending)* getstorevalue - this is an optional settings for the json array. Options are: int type: '''0''' - to get display value, '''1''' to get stored value (value from the database)* renderfieldname - this is an optional settings for the json array. Options are: '''0''' - to use what is configured in the Field Listform the SmartConnect Function, '''1''' - to use the custom field names and '''2''' - to use the custom field ID
=====Retrieve a list of contacts=====

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