
Custom Field Type: Special - Advanced Data Table

204 bytes added, 14:32, 4 January 2019
Displaying XML Data
# Click '''Save'''.
# Navigate back to the Advanced Data Table field and click '''Save''' (this updates the linkage and ensures when data is entered into the worksheet the data displayed on the object will also get automatically updated. If you miss this step, information entered into the Advanced Data Table will only refresh in the Display - Text and Variables field when the object is saved.
Note: you may want to create two '''Display - Text and Variables''' custom fields for each '''Advanced Data Table''' custom field. One that you will use for printing and one for displaying on the object.
==Access, Display and Format options for Data==
<pre>ExtractValue([this], '/worksheet/sectionnodename/rownodename/columnnodename')</pre>
Smartstaff, administrator