
Custom Field Type: Lookup - Organization and People

861 bytes removed, 21:20, 4 December 2018
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<u>'''Field Display'''</u> ==General Description==
'''Field in Edit Mode'''[[User]] is able to look up people and store their organisation names and individual names. Both [[Internal]] and [[External]] people and organisations can be searched. The resulting data is read only and not linked to the underlying [[Entity|entity]].
==Field Illustrated==[[Image:Cf31Cf_lep_ex1.png]]<br /> '''Lookup Pop-up window for locating people'Entity and People field, in Edit Mode (above)''
'''Completed Field'''
'''Note[[Image:Cf_lep_ex2.png]]<br />''' Only the name of the selected entity is stored. It Lookup - Entity and People field, illustrated is not linked to the underlying object. pop-up window for locating people (above)''
<u>'''General Description'''</u>
[[User]] is able to look up people and store their organisation names and individual names. Both [[Internal]] and [[External]] people and organisations can be searchedImage:Cf_lep_ex3. The resulting data is read only and not linked to the underlying [[Entity|entitypng]]. {{FieldOptions}}{{AllowEmpty}}{{AppearMandatory}}{{LabelAboveField}}{{Searchable}}{{TrackChanges}}{{HideFieldForNewRecord}} <ubr />''Lookup - Entity and People field, illustrated is a completed Field (above)'Services'''</u>
* '''Enable Map Service''': displays the map icon next to the field name that will launch the user’s selected map service and display a map of the content of the field
* '''Enable People Search Service''': displays the search Internet icon next to the field name that will launch a variety of search services and display the contact details from those services
* '''Enable Organization Search Service''': displays the search Internet icon next to the field name that will launch a variety of search services and display the organisations details from those services
<u>'''Field Formatting OptionsNote:'''</u> Only the name of the selected entity is stored. It is not linked to the underlying object.
* '''Width''': Determines the width of the field
* '''Style''': '''Bold''', <u>Underline</u>, ''Italic'', <font color="red">Highlight</font>
* '''[[Tool Tip]]''': Enter help text to be shown on mouse-over
* '''Read Only''': Checkbox
* '''HTML Tag''': Additional attributes to the field HTML tag
* '''[[Visibility Condition]]''': Conditions upon which the field is visible
==Field Options==
All common options:<br />
[[Custom Fields - General Information #General_Settings|General Settings]]<br />
[[Custom Fields - General Information #Role Field Permissions and Status Field Permissions|Permissions & Availability]]<br />
[[Custom Fields - General Information #Classic Options|Classic Options]]<br />
For further information, please refer to [[Custom Fields – General Information]].<br /><br />
Options listed below are specific to this particular field type.<br>
<u>* '''[[Role Field Permissions|Lookup Role - Field Permissions]]IDs'''</u>  These [[Role Field Permissions|fields]] allow you to control by [[Role]] who is allowed - This field specifies which roles to view and/or modify the field. <u>'''[[Status Field Permissions|Status - Field Permissions]]'''</u> * ''Only present within include in the [[Universal Tracking Application]]''These [[Status Field Permissions|fields]] allow you to control lookup (specified by the [[Status]] of the record whether or not the field can be viewed and/or modifiedRole ID).
* This field stores the name of the selected contact '''only'''. It is not possible to refer to details of the selected contact such as address, userid, e-mail etc.
 [[Category:Custom Fields]]{{CustomFieldPageFooter}}
Smartstaff, administrator